Library:Open Resources/Subject Area
Small Business Accelerator | A gateway to quality business information – secondary market research sources, education, and business support services – for BC business owners and entrepreneurs. |
EDGAR | Reports and filings submitted by US publicly traded companies to the US Securities and Exchange Commission. |
SEDAR | Contains public securities information filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators. |
TRIS Online | Contains almost half a million records of references to books, technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles and on-going research in the field of transportation |
Agricultural Science
AGRICOLA | Contains 2.9 million records covering every major agricultural subject. |
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center | Agriculture-related communications in more than 90 countries and expands at the rate of about 100 documents a month. |
ASABE Technical Library | The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is a professional and technical organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. |
Bacteriological Analytical Manual | BAM presents preferred laboratory procedures for microbiological analyses of foods and cosmetics. |
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) | Established in the early 1970s, CGIAR works to promote food security, poverty eradication, and the sound management of natural resources throughout the developing world. It is the largest scientific network of its kind. |
Core Historical Literature of Agriculture | Core collection of electronic texts on: agricultural economics & engineering, animal science, crops & their protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, & soil science. Selected by scholars. |
FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) | A directory which has a core collection of electronic texts on, agricultural economics & engineering, animal science, crops & their protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, & soil science. |
Canadian Agri-Food Trade Service | The Agri-Food Trade Service (ATS) website is Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's response to a competitive industry's need for market information, covering issues from market opportunities and trade regulations to exporter assistance opportunities. |
(International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists) | This portal provides a single access point for authorized official international and national information across the sectors of food safety, animal and plant health. |
NALDR and the UDSA National Agriculture Library | A major international source for agriculture and related information, this website provides access to NAL’s many resources and a gateway to its associated institutions. |
Organic Eprints | Preprints (pre-review), postprints (post-review) and reprints (published) of scientific papers, conference papers and posters, theses, reports, books and book chapters, magazine articles, web products, project descriptions, and other published or unpublished documents. |
Pherobase | Converts scientific data and knowledge from the literature and publish peer-reviewed information about behavioural modifying chemicals in insects into electronically searchable database entries. |
PubAg | A portal to USDA-authored and other highly relevant agricultural research. |
ReefBase: a Global Information System for Coral Reefs | An international, non-profit research organization dedicated to reduce poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture |
SORA: Searchable Ornithological Research Archive | This archive provides access to an extensive Ornithological literature of international scope, and detailed material documenting the history of Ornithology in North America over the last 120 years. |
VITIS-VEA Viticulture and Enology Abstracts | An international English-language literature database in the field of viticulture and enology. |
Water Quality Information Centre (USDA) | A database of online documents related to water and agriculture. |
British Columbia Ministry of Forests | Index of the British Columbia Ministry of Forestry electronic publications. |
Canadian Model Forest Network | Contains public securities information filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators. |
FORREX | Contains almost half a million records of references to books, technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles and on-going research in the field of transportation. |
GFIS: Global Forestry Information Service | Holds over 100,000 records from numerous forest information providers in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas |
NRIN Natural Resources Information Network (BC) | Collaborative initiative of FORREX and other natural resource agencies in British Columbia. |
Silvics of North America | Describes the silvical characteristics of about 200 conifers and hardwood trees in the conterminous United States. |
Social Sciences In Forestry | Legislation, policy and planning, management, economic, and development as applied to forestry. |
TreeSearch & FS INFO | US Forest Service Library Network contains over 12,000 online publications. |
UNEP-WCMC Conservation Databases | Collection of databases concerning nature conservation, developed in collaboration with a range of partners. |
UNECE Timber Committee/FAO Publications | Detailed information on the forest products sector. |
Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material | Summarizes information on wood as an engineering material. |
Science & Engineering
ASTIS: Arctic science and technology information system | Covers all aspects of northern Canada and adjacent marine areas including geology, geomorphology and cold regions engineering. |
Chemistry Central | Open access research in chemistry, from BioMed Central – the leading biomedical open access publisher. |
CGIAR Info Finder | Unique global partnership works to promote food security, poverty eradication, and the sound management of natural resources throughout the developing world. |
Digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. |
Community of Science | Leading Web site for the global R&D community. |
National Sea Grant Library | Covers a variety of subjects, including oceanography, marine education, aquaculture, fisheries, limnology, coastal zone management, marine recreation and law. |
NTRS: NASA Technical Reports Server | NASA aerospace information, and locate domestic and international STI pertinent to NASA’s missions and Strategic Enterprises. |
OSTI – Office of Scientific and Technical Information (US) | This resource provides access to scientific communication on R&D findings. | FirstGov for Science | Contains information resources selected by the respective US government agencies as their best science information. |
A free, publicly available web portal allowing access to numerous scientific journals and public science databases. |
SPIRO Architecture Slide Library | Provides access to images and descriptive information about 20% of the Library’s collection of 200,000 35mm slides. |
Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Demography | This bibliography covers research on Canada’s population. |
World Digital Library | The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world. |
British Columbia Reports (B.C.R.) | Law report series with full-text judgments dating back to 1867. |
British Columbia Archives | Government documents and records; private historical manuscripts and papers; maps, charts and architectural plans; photographs; paintings, drawings and prints; audio and video tapes; film; newspapers. |
Canada Year Book Historical Collection 1867-1967 | Covers the first century of Canada’s history, from 1867 to 1967, with historical text, tables, charts and maps. |
Dictionary of Canadian Biography | Biographical information about significant figures from Canada’s past. |
Early Canadian Online | Digital library providing access to 2,838,778 pages of Canada’s printed heritage |
Historical Map Society of British Columbia database | Historical maps covering the area of what is now British Columbia up to joining Confederation in 1871. |
History of Federal Ridings since 1867 | Provides information on the electoral history of Canada since Confederation |
Peel’s Prairie Provinces | Dedicated to assisting scholars, students, and researchers of all types in their exploration of the history and culture of the Canadian Prairies. |
Ageline | More than 75,000 abstracts and summaries of current gerontology/geriatric literature. |
BIOETHICSLINE | The world’s largest collection related to ethical issues in medicine and biomedical research. |
BioMed Central | Provides free access to peer-reviewed research articles and subscription-based access to reviews, commentaries and other information services. |
CANCERLIT® | A bibliographic database with more than 1.8 million citations and abstracts. |
eMedicine | The largest, most current clinical knowledge base available to physicians and health professionals. |
Free Medical Journals | Promotes free access to full-text content in international medical journals. |
LOCATORplus | LOCATORplus is the NLM’s online Voyager web catalogue, which links to several of NLM’s online health databases. |
MEDLINEplus | Authoritative Web resources, clinical trials, dictionaries, directories, organizations, news sources for more than 600 health topics. |
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
Covers all the subjects expected in a textbook of internal medicine. |
National Library of Medicine (U.S.) | One of the largest biomedical libraries in the world, NLM provides information services to other libraries and maintains a number of bibliographic and bioinformatics databases. |
Native Health Databases | Bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. |
NLM Gateway (U.S. National Library of Medicine) | Searches across multiple databases at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM); MEDLINE/PubMed, OLDMEDLINE, LOCATORplus, MEDLINEplus. |
Nursing and Allied Health Resources (The Peggy Sutherland Site) | Aims to support students, researchers and practitioners in the nursing and allied health professions with an extensive information & links to websites. |
POPLINE | The world’s largest bibliographic demographic and reproductive health database. |
Population Index | Cover the world’s demographic and population literature. |
PubMed | The premier international index to biomedical research covering nearly 5000 journals and indexing 16 million citations from 1949 to present. |
PubMed Central | A free, digital archive of journal articles in the life sciences, PMC is produced by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). |
TOXNET | A unified, searchable interface of all NLM databases in toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas, TOXNET is one of NLM’s Specialized Information Services (SIS). |
TRIP Database | Search engine for evidence-based medicine resources. |
Chromosomal Variation in Man | A systematic collection of important citations from the world’s literature of common and rare chromosomal alterations, phenotypes and abnormalities in humans. |
Chinese Characters Dictionary Web | Chinese character dictionary inter-linked at acharacter-to-character level, allowing quick jumping across dictionaries to check the same character entry. |
Hindi Electronic Dictionary | A source of meanings of Hindi words in English, and English words in Hindi. |
Korean-English-Korean Dictionary | Type the English word in the input box to get the Korean word or vice versa. |
Merriam-Webster Dictionary | The World Wide Web edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary & Thesaurus |
Online Sanskrit Dictionary | Sanskrit Language. |
Translate English words to their Punjabi equivalent. |
Roget’s Thesaurus | Roget’s American English Thesaurus was produced by InfoSoft International in 1994. |
Sanseido Web Dictionary | Includes a Japanese dictionary, a Japanese-English dictionary, and an English-Japanese dictionary. |
Sanskrit Dictionary | A source of meanings of Sanskrit words in English and English words in Sanskrit |
A list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. |
Bepress | Digital Commons serves institutional needs by showcasing the breadth of scholarship produced at an institution–everything from faculty papers to student projects, annual reports, and community partnerships. |
ERIC | Produces the world’s premier database of journal and non-journal education literature. |
Online Education Database | Provides internationally comparable data on key aspects of education systems. |
Teacher Reference Centre | Provides coverage on 270 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators |
Indexes over 220,000 Canadian theses and dissertations held by the |