Library:Online Instruction/Archive

From UBC Wiki

In Wimba, download archive to desktop:

  1. Log-into Wimba Classroom, access archive
  2. Click on "Media Settings"
  3. Select: High (Optimized for content preservation; Not iPod compatible) - this process takes about 10 minutes
    • you will see this message in red, Note: An MP4 is being generated. This process takes several minutes.
    • click on Download
    • save file as i.e. LFS_workshop_July_13_2011.m4v

In Kaltura

  1. Log-into Kaltura:
  2. click on the "Upload Content" button
  3. Browse for file on desktop
  4. click on upload button
  5. You will see the progress indicator showing how much of the file has been uploaded (~5 minutes)
  6. give meta data, or come back later to assign
  7. under the "Content" tab, you will see the file is being converted
  8. we've noticed it takes about 2 hours, click on the "content" tab after 1 hour, and again after 2 hours to see if it is finished converting

Sending Kaltura URL to Participants

- you just need to replace the entry_id - 0_ckuziu3j - each time