Library:Online Instruction/Archive
In Wimba, download archive to desktop:
- Log-into Wimba Classroom, access archive
- Click on "Media Settings"
- Select: High (Optimized for content preservation; Not iPod compatible) - this process takes about 10 minutes
- you will see this message in red, Note: An MP4 is being generated. This process takes several minutes.
- click on Download
- save file as i.e. LFS_workshop_July_13_2011.m4v
In Kaltura
- Log-into Kaltura:
- click on the "Upload Content" button
- Browse for file on desktop
- click on upload button
- You will see the progress indicator showing how much of the file has been uploaded (~5 minutes)
- give meta data, or come back later to assign
- under the "Content" tab, you will see the file is being converted
- we've noticed it takes about 2 hours, click on the "content" tab after 1 hour, and again after 2 hours to see if it is finished converting
Sending Kaltura URL to Participants
- you just need to replace the entry_id - 0_ckuziu3j - each time