Library:Library Tab In Connect

From UBC Wiki


Set up your course reserves at

What is LOCR?

Library Online Course Reserves allows you to create and curate a single list online of the resources required and supplementary for your course. You can easily add articles, books, web links and media resources. As the university transitions from Blackboard to Canvas, LOCR will be independent of the LMS and accessible at

Where can I find LOCR and my course reserves?

You can access LOCR right here through the Library Tab in Connect/Blackboard or at

When my courses transition to Canvas, will I have to set everything up again?

Luckily, no. Here's why: LOCR has an independent database from the LMS. When you switch your course from Connect to Canvas, all of the course and reading data in LOCR will remain the same. There's no duplication of effort required!

We welcome your feedback - if you have any questions or comments, please contact your course reserves branch: .


Access your course reserves at

Library Online Course Reserves allows you to access resources for your courses online. As UBC transitions from Blackboard to Canvas, LOCR will be accessible at