Library:Library Research Skills For Biologists/Module 6/Page 03

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Citing references requires having the correct and complete information about the item. This means that you always record the author(s), year of publication, title, journal, volume and pages for a JOURNAL ARTICLE, and the title, author/editor, publisher, place and year of publication for a BOOK. If you use a chapter in an edited book (i.e. the chapter is written by one person, and the book is edited by another person), you will also need to copy down the title, author(s) and pages of the chapter in addition to the title and editor(s) of the book.

Let's take a look at an example of what a citation for a chapter in an edited book looks like:

Example of a citation for a chapter in an edited book

Write down the full citation when you first look at a source or copy some pages. This will save you a lot of time when you are preparing the bibliography for your assignment.

Citation Guides

There are hundreds of different citation styles. There are guides to some of the most popular ones listed on the How to Cite guide