Library:Library Migration to BBLearn

From UBC Wiki

List of Content Currently in Vista which will be migrated to Blackboard Learn

UBC Vancouver Content

1) Tutorials:

2) Template HSS template for every Vista/Blackboard course in Arts: (optional use by faculty) Contacts: Sheryl Adam and Shawnna Parlongo

UBC Okanagan Content

(email from Barbara Sobol, 2/7/2012)

Also, most librarians supply individual instructors with files for specific courses, PDF files, PPT files, links. These do not need to be converted as part of the Blackboard transition.


List of NEW Content to be created in Blackboard Learn

  • on-line library skills tutorials for first and second year history students (Trish, Shawnna, Yvonne, Keith Bunnell, Arts ISS {instructional support staff} Negin Mirriahi).
  • on-line library skills tutorials for ASTU (Erin Fields, Yvonne)

Questions and Answers

Question: "I've been trying as much as possible to push content from the LTK widgets to the vista sites I'm responsible for, rather than creating content within vista. So, I want to make sure that I do not need to list these as components needing to be migrated to Blackboard."

Answer: Yvonne has verified that all types of LTK widgets except RSS widgets can be embedded in BB Learn. None of the LTK Guides, or Course Pages (or LibGuides) can be embedded into BB. A reasonable approach to bring in a Library LTK Guide/Course Page/LibGuide is to use the 'Web Link' BB Course tool, as illustrated in this video