Library:IKBLC Graduate Research Space Terms of Use
Terms of Use Agreement
- Applications will be accepted only from graduate students with a UBC Library account in good standing with no outstanding Library fines.
- Once your application is approved you will arrange to pick up your keys within two weeks. Should you not pick up your keys within this two week period, your application to the space will be canceled.
- The Graduate Research Room must be locked at all times. Access to the room will be via a key that you must obtain from Parking and Access Control Services (General Services Administration Building, 204 - 2075 Wesbrook Mall). A key account deposit of $20 is required.
- Nothing can be stored in the Graduate Research Room. Only library materials that have been signed out to you on your library card can be stored in the Ridington Room cabinets. Personal items as well as non-circulating library materials (including items in the reference collection) cannot be stored in the cabinets. Any such items will be removed.
- If you forget your keys, IKBLC library staff will NOT be able to retrieve stored materials from the Ridington Room cabinets nor open the Graduate Research Room on your behalf.
- Only those students whose applications were approved by the Library may use the Graduate Research room.
- You may occupy the Graduate Research Room during Library book stacks open hours only.
- Windows must not be covered. Do not affix items to walls, doors, tables, or windows.
- Furniture in the Graduate Research Room must not be moved outside of the room nor should new furniture be moved in.
- Use of kettles, heaters and similar appliances are forbidden in the Graduate Research Room.
- As per the Library’s Food & Drink Policy, only drinks that are in spill proof containers and snack foods that do not disturb those around you are allowed in the Graduate Research Room.
- Library staff members reserve the right to inspect the Graduate Research Room for infractions of the above conditions at any time. Prohibited items may be confiscated.
- Occupants will remove materials from the cabinets and return the room key to Parking & Access Services and the cabinet key, plus the receipt from Parking & Access Services, to the Music, Art and Architecture Library Reference Desk) within 5 days of end of occupancy, which is defined as the last day of term as stipulated by the UBC Academic Year Calendar found at: Failure to return keys within the specified time will result in suspension of library borrowing privileges.
- Extension of the use of the Graduate Research Room will be considered upon written application, a minimum of 30 days prior to the end of your use term.
UBC Library reserves the right to change this agreement on 30 days notice to users.
UBC Library is not responsible for any lost or stolen items stored in the Ridington Room Cabinets or left in the Graduate Research Room.
Violating any Terms of Use may result in termination of your use of the Graduate Research Room.