Library:Group Study Areas
Group Study Areas
Please book Group Rooms for the I. K. Barber Learning Centre, Koerner and Woodward online through the Library Room Booking System.
Asian Library
Asian Library's two seminar rooms can be booked for group study via the circulation desk on the main floor.
David Lam Library
David Lam Library has group study tables on the main floor of the library, and study rooms on the upper level.
Education Library
Group study tables are on the main floor near the entrance and on the lower floor.
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
The Learning Centre currently has 3 group study rooms with whiteboards on level 1 and 4 rooms on level 2.
The Music, Art & Architecture (MAA) Library has 5 group study rooms with whiteboards on levels 3 and 4. Additionally, there are 2 Digital Media Rooms for groups requiring the use of multimedia equipment. For more information and guidelines visit the Digital Media Rooms information page.
Book all rooms for a study session online using the Library Room Booking System.
Please review these Guidelines for booking and using the study rooms.
Koerner Library (Level 1)
Several rooms with tables and blackboards for group study are available on level one. Book these rooms for a study session online using the Library Room Booking System.
Okanagan Library
A variety of group and individual study spaces are available on two floors at UBC Okanagan Library. For more information, visit our Library Spaces page. Book Study Space on the Okanagan campus.
Woodward Library
Woodward Library has group study facilities located along the east side of the second floor of the library and in the Garden Level (basement). Book these rooms for a study session online using the Library Room Booking System.
For further information about Woodward Library Group Study Rooms, call the Woodward Information Desk at: (604) 822-2883. Please review these Guidelines for booking and using the study rooms.