Library:Finding Sound Recordings
Collections, Location & Listening Facilities
Collections and locations
UBC Library has three main collections of sound recordings:
- CDs in the stacks (circulating) located on the third floor of the Music, Art and Architecture (MAA) Library
CDs in the MAA Library cabinets represent the holdings of two distinct CD collections: the Wilson CD collection named for Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Dr. Wallace Wilson, friends and supporters of the University and the Library, focusing on classical music with some ethnic and jazz holdings; and the historic Music Library CD collection, focusing on classical, ethnic and jazz music. Both collections circulate to all UBC Library cardholders.
- LPs (circulating) located in the ASRS
This collection consists primarily of classical music, with some ethnic music and jazz. It includes the Show Business Collection of musical theatre, movie musicals, and similar performances.
Listening facilities
- 1 CD player, 1 cassette player and 1 turntable are available on the third floor of the Music, Art & Architecture Library in the South West corner.
- There are no facilities to copy CDs or LPs.
Searching For Recordings
Use the UBC Catalogue.
For best results search by keyword (use AND, OR, NOT or “phrase”).
Keywords can be any of the following:
- composer’s name
- performer’s name
- names must be entered exactly as they are spelled in the Catalogue:
tchaikovsky not tschaikowsky
- names must be entered exactly as they are spelled in the Catalogue:
- instrument
- musical form
- musical forms usually are listed in the plural; use truncation to find both singular and plural:
symphon? finds symphonies and symphony
- musical forms usually are listed in the plural; use truncation to find both singular and plural:
- word(s) in the title of a recording
- word(s) in the title of a musical composition
- works composed in a foreign language are listed in the original language:
Zauberflote not Magic Flute
- works composed in a foreign language are listed in the original language:
- opus or other work number
- enter the number and other keywords
125 and beethoven and compact
- enter the number and other keywords
- recording format
- ALWAYS include recording format
- All sound recordings: after the keywords enter and sound
- CDs only: after the keywords enter and compact
- LPs only: after the keywords enter and lp
Search Examples
Use quotes to group words as a phrase.
Use and, or or not to separate words or phrases.
- “london symphony chorus” and messiah
- bernstein and sound
- stravinsky and printemps and sound
- bach and compact not harpsichord
- sonata? or concerto? and violin and sound
Borrowing & Renewing Recordings
Who can sign out the Music CD & LP Collection?
- UBC Vancouver students, faculty and staff
- UBC Vancouver community borrowers
Please note: Music CDs and LPs are not available for ILL or DocDel.
How many Music Collection CDs & LPs can be signed out?
- There is no limit for students, faculty and staff
- Community borrowers can sign out to the maximum holding limit of their card
What is the loan period on the Music CD & LP collection?
- Undergraduate students, staff and community members can sign out CDs for 14 days (renewals & holds are permitted)
- Graduate students can sign out CDs for 8 weeks (renewals & holds are permitted)
- Faculty can sign out CDs for the regular term loan (renewals & holds are permitted)
Please note: Fines are charged on overdue loans. To avoid fines, return or renew recordings on time.
Circulating CDs and LPs may be renewed by telephone at 604-822-8149, in person, or online via the My Library Account portal.
For more information, see UBC Library Loan Regulations.
How to take care of the Music CD & LP collection?
- return CDs and LPs directly to the MAA Library Circulation Desk - never return them to a book drop
- before returning, check that each recording is in its proper case or sleeve
- keep and return accompanying liner notes or booklets
- to prevent scratches, return to case or sleeve immediately after playing; never leave unprotected
- avoid leaving fingerprints; handle only by edges
- clean carefully, using a soft, dry, lint-free cloth
- do not store in direct sunlight or heat
For more help finding recordings contact the Music, Art and Architecture Library Reference Desk (604-822-3943).