Library:Event Planning
This page provides information for UBC Library staff looking to plan campus events. Please feel free to contribute information, links and ideas that will help your colleagues plan their own Library events.
Getting Started
Sample event timeline
More than a month in advance
- Discuss your event idea with your branch head and coordinate with any potential partners
- (Optional) discuss event goals and measurable with assessment team
- Schedule any speakers, performers, etc.
- Select your date / make your room reservation
At least a month in advance
- Establish your event budget and consider outside funding sources (get sign off on budget if necessary)
- Coordinate speaker accommodations and travel / ask speak to arrange travel
- Request a catering / rentals quote if necessary
- Submit a help desk ticket to Library Communications for assistance with promotion and marketing
- Determine whether registration or RSVP mechanism is needed / set up registration (if food is included, request dietary restrictions)
- Order catering / rentals and pay any necessary deposit
At least two weeks in advance
- Determine any event or speaker A/V needs and request any A/V assistance
- Coordinate any volunteers / staff needed for the day of the event
At least a week in advance
- Finalize registration
- Confirm final catering numbers
- Determine timeline for day of the event and inform staff and volunteers
Week / day of the event
- Send event reminder to registrants
- Create nametags, programs, speaker name plates, other materials for day of the event
- Event set up
Questions to consider
- What is the purpose of my event?
- Who is this event for?
- What is my budget?
- How many people will attend?
- What other units on campus will want to partner/participate/be informed about my event?
- What kind of support will I need?
- What staffing allocations will be needed to properly advertise, coordinate and track invitations, plan, and undertake the event?
- What communication needs (e.g. posters/portfolios/websites) will the event require?
- What venues are appropriate? How will I move materials and people between facilities?
- Do speakers require honoraria? Are gifts required for delegates?
- Can I coordinate with cIRcle to obtain licensing permissions to record the event?
- and likely many more which you should add here!
First steps
Before you begin planning, you will need to coordinate with your branch head and consider any possible collaborations with other branches or colleagues. Clearly identify and articulate the goals of your event through a process of measurable success. When establishing and measuring the outcomes of your event, it might be helpful to have an early conversation with UBC Library’s assessment team. (Also see the Evaluation section for more information.)
Next, you need to determine the resources which you have at your disposal. Usually, these boil down to three main aspects. First, how much money you have at your disposal, and are you able to have access to more if the need arises? (See the Partnerships and Funding section for more information). Another aspect you need to consider is your human resources – how many people are available to work and contribute to the success of your event? Lastly, you will need to consider your timing – how much time do you have at your disposal for the proper promotion of your event? How much time do you need to set up and take down the event?
Choosing a date
The Library Administration team maintains a calendar of Library events as well as holidays, meetings, etc. Before choosing a day for your event, consult the calendar to make sure you are not competing with other events already scheduled. Being careful that you begin planning your event way ahead of time will help you avoid any conflicts with other events. Once you have selected a date, you can be in touch with the Administrative Manager in the Library Administration Office to have your event added to the calendar. Library Communications can assist you in promoting your date through the Weekly Update. For more information about submitting a ticket for Library Communications assistance, see below.
Possible restrictions
Keep in mind that, when working with faculty members on possible events, they may be using research funds for some of their work. It is thus advisable to keep in mind some of the external agencies' funding rules and restrictions for expenses, which may be different than those of UBC.
For example, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), one of the more prestigious fund granting bodies, has a comprehensive list of regulations which its awardees need to follow. The SSHRC also includes a list of regulations for some of its faculty members who are receiving grants or funding for workshops or conferences. These regulations (found here) might be even more important if the event you are organizing is a workshop or even a conference.
While this is merely one example, it is best practice to make sure that the faculty member you are working with is not limited by a set of rules originating from somewhere else other than UBC.
Questions to Help You Select the Right Venue
There's a lot to consider with a venue.
- Does it meet my AV needs?
- Does it complement the image my event is trying to convey?
- Is the facility convenient? Do my attendees have special needs?
- Does the facility meet my capacity requirements? Are there other nearby facilities that complement it?
- Does the facility provide catering? Does it allow external catering?
- Does the facility charge more for AV services? Security? Custodial service?
- and likely many more things to consider which you should add here!
The following sections highlight the various different facilities around campus (and beyond) that you may want to consider for your event.
Dodson and Stikine Rooms
Please note, the Lillooet Room will be unavailable from September 18, 2019 to January 2020
If you would like to book a room outside of your branch for your event, the Dodson and Stikine Rooms in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre are popular for library-sponsored events.
Library employees are able to book these rooms through their Outlook calendars. Instructions on booking rooms through Outlook can be found on Confluence.
Make sure to read the room usage terms and conditions carefully before submitting a booking request. Make sure to allow 30 minutes for set up and 30 minutes for clean up when booking your event. Please note that student making requests for the rooms must have a faculty of staff sponsor. Non-Library employees can make their requests through the Dodson and Stikine Room Booking Form.
Booking priority for these rooms is given to events that meet the following criteria:
- Events that are public, open to all students, and have campus wide impact.
- Events that have no admission charge or expected donation
Room restrictions include:
- Events outside of Chapman Learning Commons open hours
- Events with an anticipated attendance over 60
- Events with loud music that may disturb students in the neighboring study areas.
Description of the room features can be found on the IKBLC website.
*If A/V support is requested through the Dodson and Stikine Room Booking Form, Chapman Learning Commons staff will arrange for A/V support and an additional A/V help request is not necessary. Basic A/V support is also available from staff at the Chapman Learning Commons Help Desk.
Stanchions outside of the rooms list the times of booked events, but event organizers are responsible for coordinating digital signage with Library Communications. Per the room guidelines, posters may not be taped, tacked or glued to the walls within the rooms or around IKBLC. For directional signs for your event, stanchions may be available for loan from the Program Services Assistant in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Staff at the Chapman Learning Commons Help Desk will also be able to direct event attendees to the IKBLC workshop rooms.
Other Library Rooms
Library buildings have a number of rooms appropriate for hosting small- to medium-sized events. Please update this table with appropriate venues in your own branch.
Venues Facilities Include Capacity Booking Information Chilcotin Boardroom
IKBLC 256Ceiling-mounted Projector
Fixed Boardroom Style Table24This room is available for booking through Outlook/Exchange. IKBLC 240A Ceiling-mounted Projector
Fixed Boardroom Style Table
30This room is available for booking through Outlook/Exchange. Sedgewick Computer Lab
Koerner LibraryProjector, Whiteboard, 36 individual PCs 36This room is available for booking through Outlook/Exchange. Room 217
Koerner LibraryProjector, Screen 36This room is available for booking through Outlook/Exchange.
Classroom Space
You can explore both informal learning spaces and classroom spaces for potential events through the Learning Space website. Please note that in order to accommodate classes and exams, classroom spaces are only available for booking on or after the booking release dates indicated on the site and are only available during non-instructional time slots. You are more likely to get a classroom for an event at noon or in the evening. These rooms are free for university events and you can request the rooms using this form.
Other On-Campus Venues
UBC has a number of signature venues. If you are planning a large event, you should consult with Conference Services about the appropriate venues. The following is a select list of venues on campus. Prices listed my change on an annual basis, so be sure to check with Conference Services for pricing.
Asian Centre
The Asian Centre has multi-functional facilities suitable for conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and cultural performances. This space can be used by university and public groups, with priority given to Asia-related events.
The Chan Centre for Performing Arts
The Chan Centre has rooms available for rental, including the main concert hall, a lounge, theatre, and cinema. For information about venues, rates and fees, see the Chan Centre's website
First Nations House of Learning Longhouse
When not in use by UBC Aboriginal programs, the Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall in the First Nations House of Learning Longhouse is available for rental. The Great Hall is a dramatic 3,600 square foot multi-purpose space. Among its many outstanding architectural features are four houseposts and two supporting roof beams, all carved by noted Northwest Coast artists, plus other exceptional artworks. It contains a spring dance floor, a stage area, and is adjoined by a fully equipped kitchen.
Green College
Green College offers a number of venues ideal for catered events, including the Great Hall, with a capacity of 150 guests, and a garden patio available for outdoor events. Information about spaces, booking rates and available A/V services, as well as catering (Green College only allows its own catering services), can be found on their website.
C.K. Choi Building Room
The C.K. Choi Building Room has both a conference room and a seminar room available for booking through their online request form.
The Liu Institute
The Liu building is available to host both UBC and external conferences, meetings and corporate retreats. For more information, email [[1]] or consult their website.
Museum of Anthropology
The MOA was designed by internationally-famed, award-winning architect Arthur Erickson and nestled in the cliffs of Vancouver's Point Grey peninsula, the Museum of Anthropology houses one of the world's finest displays of Northwest Coast First Nations art in a spectacular glass, concrete and wood building that overlooks a sweeping vista of the Strait of Georgia and the North Shore mountains. Information for the facilities manager is available through their website.
St. John's College
The Fairmont Social Lounge is a versatile place and can be used for lectures, concerts, workshops, lunches, receptions, seminars, and more. There is also a formal dining room next to the lounge. More information is available through their website.
UBC Life Building
The Life Building is centrally located with a number of bookable spaces. Room descriptions, availability, fees, and the booking form are available from their website.
UBC Botanical Garden
The UBC Botanical Garden has excellent views of the outdoors all the way to the Straits of Georgia. Event facilities include a reception centre and an outdoor amphitheatre, as well as and garden areas available for event bookings.
UBC Robson Square
If you are planning an event that requires break-out rooms, UBC Robson Square may be your ideal venue. Our downtown campus has many small rooms, classrooms, and a 240-person theatre. For information about individual rooms and their rates, see the facilities rental page. UBC departments a discount off of their published rates.
Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
Several spaces, including classrooms, meeting / lounge spaces, a boardroom, and reception areas are available in the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre and can be booked through their website for a fee.
Wesbrook Community Centre and Old Barn Community Centre
Located in Wesbrook Village and Thunderbird Boulevard, respectively, the Wesbrook Community Centre and the Old Barn Community Centre have a number of facilities both indoors and outdoors. For more information, contact them through the methods provided on their website.
Outdoor Events
Community Development, a unit within Campus + Community Planning, is responsible for approving outdoor event requests for the UBC Point Grey campus.
If you wish to plan this type of event, there is a booking process section. It is also important that you read through planning considerations and event booking Frequently Asked Questions before submitting your outdoor event booking request.
Wayfinding at UBC
Wayfinding at UBC
Please consult the following page for information on maps and directions at UBC, alongside information on how to reach the main points of attraction, food services, visitor services.
Arriving at UBC - transportation options
The following pages provide information on transportation to and from UBC
Parking at UBC
A full list of parkades, rates and availability is available here:
If you have the funds available, you can arrange to provide your guest(s) with a complimentary parking pass for the event. Contact the Parking Office with a speed chart number, and they can provide a code that you can give to visitors, which they can use on the parking machines for free (to them) parking.
Dining and Catering Services
Eating at UBC
The changes currently taking place on campus bring new and improved amenities, especially with regard to choices for eating on campus. The change on campus is reflected in UBC's new outlook on its food services, with a focus on improving health and wellbeing through nutrition.
UBC Food Services has a comprehensive list of almost all establishments which serve food on campus. Rather than provide a brochure which can quickly become outdated, the Feed Me Now section contains a list with the establishments which are currently open, as well as their contact information and a link with directions on getting there.
UBC Catering
While there are not necessarily restrictions on using off-campus caterers (except in certain venues), using UBC’s catering services is often the most convenient, though not always the most cost effective. UBC caterers can conveniently be paid through JV upon the submission of an invoice. Off-campus vendor will impose PST and GST, may require an advanced deposit to book an order, and must submit an invoice to Library Finance after the event for payment.
Other On-Campus Catering Options
Off-Campus and Independent
These off-campus and independent catering options are approved by the UBC Alumni Centre and the Chapman Learning Commons. Because of UBC’s established relationship with these caterers, some may not require an advance deposit, but make sure to check in advance.
- Hawksworth Catering
- Loafe Catering
- Lazy Gourmet
- Maharaja Catering
- Mendelson's Kosher Gourmet
- Peake of Catering
- Salishan Catering
- Savoury Chef Foods
Event organizers may also purchase food independently (though this is not encouraged by Library Finance) for events and submit for reimbursement to Library Finance through the Q Requisition Form (for purchases of more than $100) or a Petty Cash Claim Form (for purchases of less than $100) and all receipts with approval from the PG manager.
* Be sure to consider possible dietary restrictions of your event participants.
Honoraria versus service for hire
Library Finance defines honoraria as a token gift for a speaking engagement or something similar, as opposed to an agreed upon sum that is established before the event takes place. If an amount is discussed and agreed upon prior to the event, Library Finance considers this a service for hire and not an honorarium.
To request payment of an honorarium, submit the following to Library Finance, with approval from the PG manager:
- Honorarium amount
- Speed chart
- SIN of the speaker
- Address of the speaker
- Backup documentation that the speaker participated in the event (event program, etc.)
The payment will be made by Central Finance, and income tax will be withheld by Payroll. The speaker will then receive a T4 from UBC.
Any time there is an agreed upon fee for speaking or participating in an event head of time, it is considered a service for hire, and not an honorarium.
In order to pay a company that has been hired to participate in an event (e.g., a dance company) the company should submit an invoice, which will then be forwarded to Library Finance with PG manager approval.
Speaker Accommodations
West Coast Suites at UBC, located in the Walter Gage residence building, is a convenient option for accommodating visiting speakers. Payment to West Coast Suites is available via JV, for easier processing.
Off campus, the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre and Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver have contracts or account with UBC, which allow an invoice to be paid by UBC Library Finance after the duration of the speaker’s stay and not upon booking.
For more information on accommodations, please see the section below.
Speaker Travel
Guest speakers can book their own airfare and be reimbursed by Library Finance upon completion of their travel. The event organizer should confirm with the guest the final cost of airline tickets before the booking to ensure that the event stays on budget. After the event, the event organizer can complete the Travel Requisition Form (available on the Finance page in Confluence) with approval from the PG manager and submit the form and all receipt to Library Finance on behalf of the speaker.
Access between YVR and downtown are now easy with the Canada Line, but you will need to consider if you need to arrange a shuttle or taxi for your guest speaker out to UBC.
Speakers may also want to tour around Vancouver on their own, so make sure they have a good map and access to a transit schedule.
Speaker gifts
Event organizers can purchase gifts for speakers and be reimbursed, including for shipping, by submitting to Library Finance a Q Requisition Form (for purchases of more than $100) or a Petty Cash Claim Form (for purchases of less than $100) and all receipts with approval from the PG manager. Both forms are available the Finance page in Confluence. Gifts may be taxable over a certain amount, according to CRA regulation (which change from year to year). In this case, the speaker will receive a T4 from UBC.
UBC Library branded materials, including umbrellas and journals are available as speaker’s gifts through Library Administration and can be purchased through JV. In order to inquire about these items, contact the Administrative Manager, in the Library Administration Office.
Conferences and Accommodation at UBC
UBC Conferences and Accomodation have a number of apartments, suites and rooms available for let. The West Coast Suites Apartment is available year-round and more budget-friendly rooms are available from May through August.
Green College
Green College, one of UBC's graduate colleges, also has year-round accommodations available for guests. Guest House rooms include double beds or queen beds, private bathrooms, and a wireless internet connection. Green College Dining Society meal plan (on nights when meals are served) is included as part of their booking fee..
St. John's College
UBC's other graduate college, St. John's College, also provides guest accommodations with similar amenities to Green College.
Other Accommodation On-Campus
Off campus, the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre and Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver have contracts or account with UBC, which allow an invoice to be paid by UBC Library Finance after the duration of the speaker’s stay and not upon booking.
Accessibility shuttle
UBC makes available a free of charge shuttle service for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Its hours of operation are 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Each UBC building in its service area is within 100 meters from a shuttle stop. More information on the UBC Accessibility Shuttle can be found here.
Rides can be booked by calling the dispatcher or leaving a voicemail at (604) 822-9929. Callers need to provide the time and location of the pick up and drop off locations, as shown on the map at the bottom of the Shuttle webpage.
Accessibility on campus
The Wayfindingservice at UBC is the best method for finding out in advance about the accessibility options in the building your event is taking place.
For example, organizing an event in the Dodson Room means that you will need to check IKBLC's accessibility options. Using the Wayfinding service, click on IKBLC on the map. User also has the option of searching the building by name. On the search results page, click on the arrow under the "View Details" column. Under the multi-coloured categories, click "Show All". This last step will show the plan of the building with all of its accessible entrances/exits, as well as lifts, paths etc., as well as various accessibility notes.
If you need to register participants for your event, the UBC survey tool, Qualtrics, is currently the best option. Unfortunately, the Library does not currently have an e-commerce option for event registration. UBC Conferences and Accommodation offers e-commerce event registration services for a fee.
UBC Library Communications Office can prove to be a most useful resource for the event planner.
The Library Communications team can provide promotional support for events including:
- designing communications assets (posters, etc.)
- creating digital signage
- event photography
- promotion through the UBC Library social media channels and the UBC Library website
- adding events listings on the UBC events calendar
To request promotional support, visit the Library Communications Confluence page. From here create a ticket through the “Request our services” button, as per the image above.
The Confluence page also contains many other useful resources for event planning, including document templates with UBC Library logos, digital signage templates, etc.The Confluence page also provides a helpful guide as to the necessary lead times encouraged by Library Communications for requesting assistance with news releases, promotional materials, photography, digital signage, advertising, and more.
Many unit heads have regular meetings scheduled with Library Communications, so they can act as an liaison with the office to schedule any necessary meetings about your event.
To arrange specialty print jobs, large volume printing, or for questions about printing, contact Library Communications.
Audio-Visual Needs
UBC IT Audio Visual offers a number of services for you event.
General AV support
- Setup portable or room AV system for users/presenters for meetings or events
- Onsite dedicated support for an event (Technician will be onsite for the entire or partial event)
- Consultation on AV setup and needs for an event
- Media capture (video recording)
- Webcasting (live broadcast via web), live Facebook or YouTube streaming
- AV equipment rental for events of all sizes, staging, drapes and back drops, lighting
- (Some of these will be provided by 3rd party company in part or in whole depending on needs)
- Simultaneous Interpretation service (provided by 3rd party)
- General AV support technician time $55/hour Mon-Fri between 8AM-4PM
- Support for after 4PM Mon-Fri or Weekends and holidays require 4 hour minimum charge
- Equipment rental cost varies. Quotation and options provided upon request or based on event and venue
- Media capture service cost varies. Quotation provided upon request.
- Off-campus events are subject to additional travel and equipment delivery charges (generally minimum $150)
- No charge for consultation and quotations
- Fees may be paid for with a JV for UBC departments or with a credit card for non-UBC groups hosting events.
- Note: Support labour costs for events that occur during regular business hours that are fully Library associated or sponsored may be covered under the current Library/UBC AV Service Level Commitment.
Hours of Operation
- General AV support and events staff available Mon-Fri 8AM-4PM for consultation via phone or email
Booking AV Support Services
- Consultation, quote request and booking AV service and support – Email the AV helpdesk (below)
- In email, include the following:
- Contact name, number and email
- Event name
- Event date/time/location
- Expected AV support needs (setup and take down only, partial technician support, full onsite dedicated support, etc)
- For most events the preferred booking lead time two weeks
- Media capture services require minimum 2 weeks notice
- Exceptions may apply on case by case
- Email (Recommended for all requests or incidents)
- Phone 604-822-7956 (Immediate or emergency AV support during business hours)
- AV issues or escalations may be directed to AV Manger, Garry Der (, 604-822-9270)
Recording, Photographing, or Webcasting Events
Library Communications can provide event photography support, which can be requested through their online request form. If you would like to capture the event, either through webcasting, video recording, or photography, you will need to obtain consent from the participants. The Office of University Counsel provides release forms that can be used for this purpose. For larger gatherings where it may not be possible to obtain release forms from every person, you can display signage or made an announcement at the beginning telling participants that photography will be taking place during the event. If attendees do not wish to be photographed or if they have any other concern, they can let event organizers know.
Additionally, if you want to archive a video recording of an event, you may do so in cIRcle, UBC’s institutional repository. In order for cIRcle to make works available, event participants need to sign cIRcle’s license. You can follow up with Digital Repository Librarians if you have further questions about archiving event proceedings.
Event Funding
The Library Development Office has a dedicated staff able to identify and solicit support from donors, mostly through fundraising. While they are limited in scope and frequency, sponsorships can be helpful for certain opportunities and one-off events, when secured. For the purposes of your event, contact the DO for funding through donations, which come in the form of cash for your specific project, or of gifts in kind.
Small amounts of funding for events are available through grants administered by the University and beyond, including:
Partnership Recognition Fund through the Office of Community Engagement
The Community Engagement Partnership Recognition Fund (PRF) is designed to help fill small resource gaps and acknowledge the contributions that community partners make to UBC. It also aims to raise awareness about the value of relationships and working together in a thoughtful way. Awards of up to $1,500 (min. $500) are available. Check the PRF website for deadlines and requirements.
UTown@UBC Community Grants
Town@UBC Community Grants award up to $1000 for projects that foster community building and connectedness on campus or in the Musqueam community. Check the website for deadlines for fall and spring and requirements.
Some event funding may able be available from Library Administration. Talk to the head of your branch about approaching your AUL to make a funding request.
Library Event Kits and Promotional Material
Library event kits can be requested from Library Administration team by submitting a ticket through the Library Help Desk. Library event supply kits include a table runner (for a 6ft table), poster and brochure stands, and accessories you might need at events, everything from clipboards to scissors and tape. A tent and stand-up banners are also available for outdoor events. Kits must be picked up from the Library Administration office, Room 241 in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
Library promotional material can also be requested through the online promotional materials order form. Print materials, user guides, and handouts from UBC Library are also available for order through this form. Be sure to allow ample lead-time (minimum 2 business days) to complete your request. You can also contact Library Communications for support with designing and ordering significant quantities of an item (to be paid out of your unit's budget). Ample lead-time is required.
Determine what supplies you will need for your event well in advance so that you can ensure that you can source them and deliver them to your venues. Some commonly needed supplies include:
- water bottles for speakers
- portfolios
- pens and notepads
- display boards
Contact Library Facilities if you need help moving your supplies.
After your event, you may wish to include an event recap in the Library's Weekly Update or to feature the event on your branch's website / blog with any photos taken during the event. In addition to providing a record of the event, it is also a nice way to attract people for the future events.
Following the conclusion of your event, it is a good practice to evaluate whether or not you have accomplished the goals you set out at the beginning. What worked and what didn’t? What were the causes which prevented you from achieving all of your goals?
Identify any external and internal factors which led to either the success or failure of your event. Also, achieving your initial goals is not a success in and of itself. Could your goals have been better from the beginning, and thus not allowing the event to achieve its full potential? Can you improve for the next time around?
Learn from any mistakes, and apply solutions. Can the event be replicated in another format? Was your event something akin to what other libraries have done? Although every event is different from one another, many libraries also have established guidelines and templates which they follow, and from which you can draw inspiration.
Lastly, evaluate whether you had enough resources. If you did, were they used effectively? Why, or why not? Do you need and are able to you secure more for other future events?