Library:Citation Management/EndNote

From UBC Wiki


EndNote is usually considered the leading citation management software package. The program enables you to move seamlessly through your research process with flexible tools for searching, organizing and sharing your research, creating your bibliography and writing your paper. The full version of EndNote is available as a desktop program. There is also a web based version of the software with fewer features called EndNote Web which can be synchronized with the desktop program.

EndNote is ideal for users who are creating complex documents with a large number of citations. It is an extremely robust program that offers a hassle-free ‘Cite While You Write’ experience. The formatting and bibliographic features are excellent and can handle even the most complex documents. It can store literally thousands of references and as many PDF’s as your computer’s memory can hold. You have the ability to create multiple libraries, allowing you to keep the citations for different projects separate. In addition, as one of the most commonly used programs, most databases (including the UBC library) offer an ‘export to EndNote’ option, making collecting accurate citations easy.

Configuring EndNote

To configure Endnote for the UBC Library Catalogue, use the following settings:

Element Set F
Record Syntax USMARC
Text Latin-1

Support for EndNote is also available from the Clarivate Analytics website.

Using the “Find Full Text” feature in EndNote is viewed by vendors as “excessive” downloading. This will result in the IP address to be blocked. Do not use the bulk/batch download “Find Full Text” feature.

UBC Support Options

At the moment, UBC does not offer support or workshops for EndNote (although some possibilities for this are in development). You can, however, get great support from the EndNote website itself, including:

What follows is a brief overview of EndNote's features.


EndNote offers all the 'usual' features of a citation management program, including:

  • Creating formatted bibliographies, in-text citations, and footnotes in your word processor
  • Edit or create citation styles
  • Collaborate through EndNote Web or even email your library to another EndNote user
  • Access your references from anywhere when you sync with EndNote Web
  • Sort and search your references by any field
  • Store PDF’s with your citations
  • Change the styles in a document as many times as needed,
  • Format references for any project with 5000+ styles to use.
  • Create custom styles with style customization tools
  • Share your research with colleagues and collaborate through EndNote's web component, EndNote Web.
  • Give others Read/Write access to add references to the groups you share on EndNote Web.
  • Import the references from someone else's shared group on EndNote Web into your library.
  • Search hundreds of online resources to collect references and PDFs.
  • Import the PDFs you have on your computer.

It also offers several less common features, such as:

  • The ability to store and cite images and other objects
  • Add notes to PDF's
  • Retrieve PDF citation data
  • Full Text PDF search: Select the reference for which you want to find the full text and let EndNote find them for you.
  • Direct search of online catalogues and databases
  • Create a subject bibliography, allowing you to create a list of references grouped by subject or by any other data field.
  • You can get an application for handheld devices like your tablet or smartphone that will sync with your desktop library
  • Spell Check feature for your citation information
  • Easily find and fill in missing and incomplete information: EndNote X6 has the ability to complete the citation information for an existing reference for you.


EndNote is compatible with a number of different operating systems and programs, including:

  • Windows
  • Microsoft Word 2010, 2007, 2003
  • Writer 3
  • Wolfram Mathmatica 8
  • Mac
  • Microsoft Word 2011, 2008
  • Apple Pages '09

For more details, check out this site