Library:Building Your Academic Profile/Content/Podcasts

From UBC Wiki

Videos and Podcasts

A great deal of scholarly output is often difficult to capture. Lectures and conference presentations, while important modes of scholarly output, are not captured as effectively with written notes and presentation documents. Videos and podcasts allow you to capture:

  • presentations that may be dependent on audiovisual materials for expressing ideas
  • discussion periods that can add clarity to your work
  • nonverbal skills associated to effective presentation

Additionally, videos and podcasts can add to your instruction portfolio. You can develop instruction material in multiple formats and use the material as support for your own instruction and/or provide open access to a broader community. Open Education Resources (OER) are a good example of this kind of work.

Examples of Academic Videos
Knowledge Centre Tête-à-Tête Series
Academic Earth
UBC YouTube Channel
Examples of Academic Podcasting
Centre for Women's and Gender Studies Podcast Series
Open Culture - Podcast Lists


Have you given a presentation at a conference or colloquium that you're exceptionally proud of? Chances are that you also spent a good amount of time making professional slides. Archiving your slides online can give people early glimpses into your research. It can also help maintain your active research presence after the presentation and build interest in your future publications. Get the most out of your slides!

Slideshare; Example UBC Journalism Professor Alfred Hermida