Library:About Us/University-wide Initiatives

From UBC Wiki


UBC and its faculty, staff and students are creators of various forms of intellectual property, as well as consumers of intellectual property. One intellectual property right that is very important to UBC faculty, staff and students is copyright.

The copyright environment in Canada is changing, and users are encouraged to visit the University’s copyright site to understand the issues and plan accordingly. Content is maintained by the Office of the Provost and VP Academic, UBC Library, UBC Bookstore, the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (Vancouver), the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Okanagan) and the Office of the University Counsel.


cIRcle is UBC’s digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the UBC community and its partners. Materials in cIRcle are openly accessible to anyone on the web, and will be preserved for future generations.

Digital Initiatives

UBC Library’s Digitization Centre works on a range of fascinating digitization projects. It also supports the Scholarly Communications Steering Committee and cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository. The Digitization Centre is a key part of the Library’s effort to adapt to the evolving needs of faculty and students and to support teaching, research and learning at UBC. Its goal is to create sustainable, world-class programs and processes to make UBC’s collections and research available to the world, and to ensure the authentic, long-term preservation of its digital holdings for the future.

Scholarly Communications

The system of scholarship is undergoing change across the world. Indeed, notions of authorship and scholarly publishing are rapidly evolving in the digital age. UBC’s Scholarly Communications site will help you track developments, examine the issues and navigate changing models of scholarly communication.

University Archives

University Archives serves as the institution’s corporate memory by identifying, preserving and making available for use the University’s permanently valuable records, including textual, photographic and audio-visual materials.

Records Management

The Records Management office provides a unified approach to records management, supports overall effective information management, and leads the transition to electronic records management at UBC in an efficient, secure, and sustainable manner.