Learning Commons:Wireframes
Landing Page
Child Page
- Related links problem= May need to come up with an alternative method to manage links.
- Sidebar design: Benefits? Displays any content here after main content; makes it easier to find re-use code; can be hidden on smaller devices if necessary; offers space for related content (like feed for related posts). Drawbacks: Less room for most important content on desktop view. Related links (should they be integrated with main content?
Questions for Web Team
- How important is sidebar navigation (on desktop sites)? What's the value? Is there value?
- How important is it to have a separate place for related links?
- Does the heirarchy for content represented in the wireframe work? If not, why? What are we missing?
- "8 tracks"=should we create a separate link on mobile version of our website or not.
- Carrousels= image spec, getting rid of the "slogan", etc.
- Navigation= architecture may need to be discussed. Should the navigations be more descriptive? Would our partners be able to understand what our website is about from the navigation
- Widget area/child page= need to be discussed. Width may be adjusted according to the content of the widget. Does embeded code/links has to be that visible? What would be the widget content that works for the whole site?
- The Web team likes the new home page/landing page overall.
Questions for CTLT Tech
- RSS Feed and Embeded Code on the new LC website
- getting thumbnails from RSS Feed
- displaying the author of the page
- empty="" not working.
- changing background color of the current accordion tab you are opening (in Toolkits..)=We use a different accordion for the new CLF, so we can't change the background color of the current accordion tab you are opening.
- Can we still use coding for custom fields? (We need to have related links and embed/rss page specific. =The custom field is dependent on plugins so we can migrate most of the custom field. Question: Which plugin did we use for Related links?
- As page names /architecture changes, what is the workflow? (Do we use redirects on all pages)?
- Can we use the Twitter rotating feed plugin? What needs to happen on the plug-in implementation side?
- What about rss and embed code? What is the workflow to implement this for the new site?
- Is Wiki embed.poll and gravity form going to be responsive? = The new gravity form is responsive
- Color scheme. How much can we change the color scheme using the CSS. How restricted? Are we allowed to change the hover color of the dropdown menu? (ie font colors, etc).= We can change color scheme for the content and the menu. Problem: The arrow on the menu bar uses an image so we can't change the color of the arrow.
- Can we add News Feed by Category? yes, we can add a category feed for posts.
- Why is there a duplicate of "continue reading" If I used the excerpt short code? Is it possible to limit the no. of words displayed on the feed? If not, could we limit the no. of text shown using CSS without making the texts cutoff?
- Fancybox problem=The only way to avoid fancybox problem is to delete the links of the images