Learning Commons:Chapman Learning Commons/FrontDoorPoliciesProcedures

From UBC Wiki

At the Beginning of Every Shift...

Collect the materials in Room 203: laptop, mouse, box, wristbands (double check to make sure you have today's colour).

Wipe down the laptop and mouse using an alcohol wipe.

Go to the front desk. Set the stanchion and signs in their positions (one sign outside door).

Wipe down the table and plexiglass (both sides) using Germosolve-5.

Arrive ~10mins before opening, so that you are all set up!


Every day, the wristband colour changes. See the wristband calendar for today’s wristband colour, in room 203 at the IKBLCA station. There is also a copy posted on the bulletin board in the security office. Under the table is a box with the boxes of wristbands inside. If running low on any colour, inform a member of the CLC staff team or ikblc.bookings@ubc.ca.

When patrons approach the front desk for their booking, inform them they must put on a wristband at the desk before you let them go upstairs. Offer to put on the wristband for them through the opening in the plexiglass, or let them know they can put it on themselves if they would prefer, but it must be done at the desk. Patrons should not be allowed to leave the entrance opening without having the wristband on their wrist. If a patron requests more information, inform them this is to ensure they've done the self-assessment, and give them the bookings card to connect with someone about their questions.

Welcoming Patrons to our Building: Protocols for Entry

Note: As of July 12, registration for general study space is no longer required. Registration for study rooms is still required.

•Patrons will line-up outside the East Mall entrance to IKBLC following physical distancing markers. When in line, patrons must stand 2 meters apart on the physical distancing stickers on the ground (even if in pairs, they have to space out).

•The door will be propped open and a table will be flush against the door. Use the stanchion to prop one door open. A table-top plexiglass shield will be in place.

•Patrons will approach the table one at a time (as per posted signage). When they approach, ask them to place their UBC Card (or other ID for community members) on the table, then step back to the marker so you can check their UBC Card. (If they have forgotten it, ask them to provide alternate photo ID and to pull up their confirmation email on their phone.)

•Folks coming into our general space will no longer need to register or be checked in, starting July 12. Read them the script below.

If they have registered for a study room, visually check the ID then search their name in LibCal and ensure that they have properly registered. See Alex's LibCal instructions for the whole process; make sure you are double checking that they have properly answered the Covid-19 screening questions. Check them into their study room.

•Push the wristband through the hole in the plexiglass barrier and signal patron to approach and pick-up their UBC Card and wristband.

Read them the script (found at the IKBLCA desk):

  • Ensure they have completed the Covid Self-assessment for today.
  • Masks are recommended
  • Do not let others into the building from any other entrance
  • Do not congregate in shared areas
  • Do not wait or linger in hallways, corridors, foyers, or other spaces that are intended for travel
  • You may sit at any open seat in the building
  • Please put the wristband on, and sanitize your hands before going upstairs
  • Wipe down plexiglass barrier with Germosolve5 and paper towel at the end of each shift.

Key Points for Good Customer Service at the Door:

Be clear, calm, and concise. Break things down into simple steps. After 3 steps, most people get confused.

Greet patrons as they come to the desk. Be aware of what is going on around you.

If someone looks lost, they probably are- ask them if they need assistance.

Do one thing at a time.

Help one patron at a time. Ask others to wait patiently at the designated markers.

It’s okay to not know. Look things up but don’t refer someone somewhere unless you are 100% certain that that is the right referral. You are not expected to be the expert on everything. Ask lots of questions of your colleagues and don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Communicate clearly with staff you are referring patrons to. Don’t just send a patron off, let a staff member know what the patron’s inquiry is and try your best to connect them with who or what they need.

Ask good follow up questions. Patrons might identify a need, but something else is actually going on. Asking good clarifying questions will help you solve the actual issue or where they need to go.

Remember to balance your time when it comes to conversation with patrons and work at the desk. It is okay to set boundaries with patrons, especially if the line starts picking up. Take charge of the conversation and spin the focus to the interaction with them. Some concluding sentences with patrons could be "by the way have you self-assessed? or "it was really nice talk to you today!" You can also use an excuse such as "it's been great talking to you, but I have to check in the next patron now" or "hey, it's been great talking to you, but unfortunately I have project work that I need to work on and finish tonight!"

Dealing with Difficult Patrons

During your time at the CLC, you may deal with patrons who are upset, angry, frustrated or up against a time crunch. This section is meant to provide some helpful tips to navigating those more difficult interactions. We do not ever expect a student employee to tolerate unsafe, disrespectful behaviour from anyone.

It is important to recognize why a patron might be feeling angry or frustrated. Here are some common reasons:

-They are embarrassed that they don’t know the answer

-They are frustrated about new or unfamiliar policies

-They may have already been referred more than once and don’t feel helped

-They have not left themselves enough time

-External factors: family, relationships, mental health

What to do when someone is becoming frustrated or disrespectful:

-Don’t stare

-Avoid judgment

-Speak in a calm and clear voice

-Repeat lines of policies and avoid personal statements and judgments

-Confirm that you understand the problem and state what it is you can do to try and help

-Empathize with the patron’s situation: “It sounds like you’re quite frustrated that you are having trouble booking a space. I am going to walk you through this and see what might be going on with your login.”

-Clearly and calmly state that you are happy to assist if they are willing to calm down and/or be respectful you will continue to help them. An example: “I’m very happy to assist you but if you’re going to be disrespectful, I won’t be able to help you. I will help you once you have calmed down.”

Know that security is there to support you if need be!

UBC Library Code of Conduct

You can find the code of conduct that dictates various policies and protocol for library use here.

If you are uncomfortable approaching patrons in violation of this code, you can seek support from your supervisors. If you have an immediate concern for yours, or someone else’s, safety- call Campus Security (2-2222). Security will simply be a reassuring presence if need be.

Report any and all abusive or disrespectful behaviour to your supervisors immediately. Emma and Alex will file this in a report. Include the date, time, details of the patron, and a detailed explanation of what happened.