LFS:UBC Farm Audio Tour 2a ChildrensGarden

From UBC Wiki



Stop for a moment and close your eyes. Listen closely. What do you hear? Feel the air on your skin. Notice how it smells here. Now open your eyes and look around you. You are in a very special learning space. All around you are extraordinary plants that can teach us about living in balance with our environment and are able to make food from the sun and the air. Welcome to the Children’s Learning Garden. Since 2002 this garden has been an outdoor classroom for children and adults who work together to grow food and learn about how to care for the land, food, and community. Three programs run in this garden: the Intergenerational Landed Learning Program, Farm Wonders Summer Camp, and Farm Discovery Tours. Please walk through and enjoy; just don’t pick or destroy. All the crops in this garden are grown, harvested, and prepared by children. Can you find our pizza garden? What crops do you recognize? Is there anything growing in the butterfly garden? Can you find any flowers that are attracting pollinators? Can you find a leaf that smells minty or lemony? What else is alive in the garden?