From the README file of RT-CommandByEmail.
This extension parse content of incoming messages for list commands.
Format of commands is:
- Command: value
- Command: value
- ...
You can find list of "COMMANDS commands below".
Some commands (like Status, Queue and other) can be used only once.
Commands that manage lists can be used multiple times, for example link, custom fields and watchers commands. Also, the latter can be used with "Add" and "Del" prefixes to add/delete values from the current list of the ticket you reply to or comment on.
- Queue: <name>
- Set new queue for the ticket
- Subject: <string>
- Set new subject to the given string
- Status: <status>
- Set new status, one of new, open, stalled, resolved, rejected or deleted
- Owner: <username>
- Set new owner using the given username
- Priority: <#>
- Set new priority to the given value
- FinalPriority: <#>
- Set new final priority to the given value
Set new date/timestamp, or 0 to unset:
- Due: <new timestamp>
- Starts: <new timestamp>
- Started: <new timestamp>
Set new times to the given value in minutes. Note that on correspond/comment "TimeWorked" add time to the current value.
- TimeWorked: <minutes>
- TimeEstimated: <minutes>
- TimeLeft: <minutes>
Manage watchers: requestors, ccs and admin ccs. This commands can be used several times and/or with "Add" and "Del" prefixes, for example "Requestor" comand set requestor(s) and the current requestors would be deleted, but "AddRequestor" command adds to the current list.
- Requestor: <address>
- Set requestor(s) using the email address
- AddRequestor: <address>
- Add new requestor using the email address
- DelRequestor: <address>
- Remove email address as requestor
- Cc: <address>
- Set Cc watcher(s) using the email address
- AddCc: <address>
- Add new Cc watcher using the email address
- DelCc: <address>
- Remove email address as Cc watcher
- AdminCc: <address>
- Set AdminCc watcher(s) using the email address
- AddAdminCc: <address>
- Add new AdminCc watcher using the email address
- DelAdminCc: <address>
- Remove email address as AdminCc watcher
Manage links. These commands are also could be used several times in one message.
- DependsOn: <ticket id>
- DependedOnBy: <ticket id>
- RefersTo: <ticket id>
- ReferredToBy: <ticket id>
- Members: <ticket id>
- MemberOf: <ticket id>
Custom field values
Manage custom field values. Could be used multiple times.
- CustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>
- AddCustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>
- DelCustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>
Short forms:
- CF.{CFName}: <custom field value>
- AddCF.{CFName}: <custom field value>
- DelCF.{CFName}: <custom field value>
Learning Centre's Custom Fields
- Location
- where the requestor is located
- Unit Affiliation / Course Code
- which unit/group the requestor belongs to, or the course number, i.e., FNH200_002
- UserType
- is the requestor a faculty member, sessional, staff or student (grad/undergrad)
- Task
- computer problems, printing, websites, Connect etc
- Mobile Clinic
- was the request at a mobile clinic
- FollowUpNeeded
- yes|no
- ImmediateResolution
- did the request have a quick and simple solution, yes|no
Example of Use
Email a Reply or comment on the RT ticket with the following in the body of the message.
Status: resolved TimeWorked: 120 Owner: yourRTloginname CF.{Location}: MCML CF.{Unit Affiliation / Course Code}: Dean's office CF.{UserType}: staff CF.{Task}: Computer
This will resolve the ticket concerned and set the time worked to 120 minutes with the appropriate owner if not already set.
The custom fields are also set for location, unit affiliation and user type.