LFS:Restricted Electives/SAGE

From UBC Wiki

Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Major

Note: students are encouraged to take courses across themes. The following categories are merely intended as suggestions for students interested in particular themes. If students are interested in other APBI courses not on this list, they are encouraged to contact their Program Advisor, Dan Naidu (apbi.advising@ubc.ca). (apbi.advising@ubc.ca).

General Interest

  • CONS 101 Introduction to Conservation     
  • CONS 200 Foundations of Conservation      
  • CONS 210 Visualizing Climate Change       
  • CPSC 110 Computation, Programs and programming (4)
  • GEOS 102 Our Changing Environment: Climate & Ecosystems
  • GEOS 103 or EOSC 110 Changing Environment: Water & Landscapes or The Solid Earth: A Dynamic Planet
  • GEOS 270
  • FRE 302* or ECON 311**
  • Computation (choose one of EOSC 211 Computer Methods in Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences or CPSC 110 Computation, Programs, and Programming)
  • Hydrology (choose one of EOSC 329 Groundwater Hydrology, FRST 385 Watershed Hydrology, GEOS 305 Introduction to Hydrology)         

*Prerequisite: one of ECON 101 or ECON 310
**Credit will be given for only one of ECON 311 or ECON 102


  • APBI 327 Introduction to Entomology
  • APBI 361 Key indicators of Agroecosystem Sustainability
  • APBI 406 Pollination Biology
  • APBI 414 Animals and Global Issues
  • APBI 423 Ecological Restoration
  • APBI 427 Insect Ecology
  • APBI 428 Integrated Pest Management
  • APBI 444 Agroforestry
  • APBI 463 Insects in Agroecosystems
  • BIOL 205 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 204 Vertebrate Structure and Function
  • LFS 450* or ABPI 460* Land Food and Community III or Advanced Agroecology

*If one is not taken as a requirement

Crop Production

  • APBI 322 Horticultural Techniques (next offered 2025-2026)
  • APBI 328 Weed Science (next offered 2025-2026)
  • APBI 405 Plant-Water Relations for Sustainable Agriculture
  • APBI 442 Grapevine and Berry Crop Biology or APBI 443 Field Study of Wine Grape Production

Plant Science

  • APBI 318 Applied Plant Breeding
  • APBI 324 Intro to Seed Plant Taxonomy
  • APBI 426 Plant-Microbe Interactions
  • APBI 440 Plant Genomics
  • APBI 475 Indigenous Ecologies
  • BIOL 200* or BIOL 201* Fundamentals of Cell Biology or Introduction to Biochemistry
  • BIOL 260 Fundamentals of Physiology
  • BIOL 352 Plant Physiology II: Plant Development
  • CHEM 233 Organic Chemistry for the Biological Sciences
  • CHEM 235 Organic Chemistry Laboratory
  • Genetics (one of BIOL 233 Genetics for Life; BIOL 234 Fundamentals of Genetics; FRST 302 Forest Genetics)

*If one is not taken as a requirement

Soil Science

  • APBI 342 Soil Biology
  • APBI 401 Soil Processes
  • APBI 403 Soil sampling, analysis and data interpretation (offered alternate years)
  • APBI 412 Below ground ecosystems

All Themes

  • APBI 365 Summer Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
  • APBI 398 Research Methods
  • APBI 422 Indigenous Food Systems in Canada
  • APBI 490 Topics in Applied Biology
  • APBI 497 Directed Studies
  • APBI 498 Undergraduate Essay
  • LFS 496 Career Development Internship

No Longer Regularly Offered

While all of the courses listed below are approved to be used as Restricted Electives, they have not been offered at UBC recently, and may not be offered again soon. We do not recommend building your course plan around these options.

  • APBI 222 Introduction to Horticulture
  • APBI 326 Introductory Plant Pathology
  • APBI 413 Stress and Coping in Animals
  • APBI 417 Production & Postharvest Physiology of Vegetable Crops
  • APBI 462 Conservation Agriculture and Biodiversity Monitoring
  • APBI 495 Human Wildlife Conflict
  • BIOL 233 Genetics for Life