LFS:Restricted Electives/FNH General (major declared in 2022W and beyond)

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FNH General (major declared in 2022W and beyond)

Plan Ahead – make sure you have pre-requisite classes for third and fourth year REs (restricted electives) that you wish to take.

Please consult the credit exclusion list when choosing REs: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=12,215,410,414

This list contains courses with sufficient overlap that credit may be obtained for only one of the courses.

The following courses are eligible for meeting the Restricted Electives requirement for the Food, Nutrition, and Health Major declared after 2022W. Health Electives (HE) are marked with an asterisk (*). HEs may also be used as REs if all HE requirements have been met.

If you decide to take 100 or 200 level courses as your restricted electives, please ensure that you have a minimum of 45 credits of courses at 300 or higher overall, as this is a requirement for graduation.

Food, Nutrition, and Health students, for support in exploring your restricted electives, please contact your Program Advisors, Candice Rideout and Patricia Hingston by completing this online request form.

Food Science

  • FNH 300 Food Engineering
  • FNH 301 Food Chemistry
  • FNH 302 Food Analysis
  • FNH 303 Food Product Development
  • FNH 309 Food Processing
  • FNH 330 Introduction to Wine Science I
  • FNH 335 Introduction to Wine Science II
  • FNH 402* Functional Foods
  • FNH 404 Food Safety and Quality Management
  • FNH 405 Microbiology of Food and Beverage Fermentation
  • FNH 413* Food Safety
  • FNH 414 Sustainability in the Food Industry
  • FNH 419 Interfacial Phenomena
  • FNH 497 Directed Studies in Food, Nutrition and Health
  • FNH 499 Undergraduate Thesis


  • FNH 342 Critical Perspectives on Consumer Food Practices
  • FNH 355* International Nutrition
  • FNH 370* Nutrition Assessment
  • FNH 371* Human Nutrition Over The Life Span
  • FNH 398 Research Methods in Human Nutrition
  • FNH 451* Nutrient Metabolism and Implications for Health
  • FNH 455 Applied International Nutrition
  • FNH 472* Maternal and Fetal Nutrition
  • FNH 473* Applied Public Health Nutrition
  • FNH 474 Sport Nutrition
  • FNH 477* Nutrition and Disease Prevention
  • FNH 490 Advanced Topics in Food, Nutrition and Health
  • FNH 497 Directed Studies in Food, Nutrition and Health
  • FNH 499 Undergraduate Thesis


  • KIN 140 Lifespan Motor Development
  • KIN 150 Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • KIN 211 Human Motor Behaviour I
  • KIN 232 Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health
  • KIN 235 Exercise Physiology I
  • KIN 262 Health Policy and Society
  • KIN 424 Medical Aspects of Sport and Exercise
  • KIN 432 Sport Nutrition
  • KIN 464* Health Promotion and Physical Activity
  • KIN 465* Interculturalism, Health and Physical Activity
  • PHTH 301* Physical Therapy Foundations


  • APBI 265 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
  • APBI 361 Key Indicators of Agroecosystem Sustainability
  • ASIC 220 Introduction to Sustainability
  • ENST 310/GEOG 310 Environment and Sustainability
  • LFS 450 Land, Food, and Community III: Leadership in Campus Food System Sustainability


  • FNH 415 Business Concepts in Food, Nutrition, and Health
  • FRE 295 Managerial Economics
  • FRE 302 Small Business Management in Agri-food Industries
  • FRE 306 Introduction to Global Food Markets
  • FRE 326 Empirical Methods for Food and Resource Economics
  • FRE 340 International Agricultural Development
  • FRE 374 Land and Resource Economics
  • FRE 385 Quantitative Methods for Business and Resource Management
  • FRE 420 The Economics of International Trade and the Environment
  • FRE 460 Economics of Food Consumption
  • FRE 490 Current Issues in Food and Resource Economics
  • COMR 329 Principles of Organizational Behaviour
  • COMR 398 Introduction to Business Processes and Operations
  • COMR 457 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
  • COMR 458 Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
  • COMR 465 Marketing Management
  • COMR 473 Business Finance
  • COMR 485 Social Entrepreneurship
  • COMR 493 Strategic Management in Business
  • COMM 320 Foundations in Accounting I
  • COMM 321 Organizational Behaviour
  • COMM 420 Marketing
  • COMM 421 Introductory Finance
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics (equivalent to ECON 310 and LFS 101)
  • ECON 102 Principles of Macroeconomics (equivalent to ECON 311)
  • ECON 221 Introduction to Strategic Thinking
  • ECON 226 Making Sense of Economic Data
  • ECON 234 Wealth and Poverty of Nations
  • ECON 255 Understanding Globalization
  • ECON 301 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis I

Public Health

  • KIN 262 Health Policy and Society
  • LFS 340* First Nations Health and the Traditional Role of Plants
  • NURS 180 Stress and Strategies to Promote Wellbeing
  • NURS 270 Diverse Perspectives on Aging
  • SPPH 300* Working in International Health
  • SPPH 301* Understanding the Sociocultural Determinants of the Health of Populations
  • SPPH 302* Topics in Health Informatics for Health/Life Sciences Students
  • SPPH 381* Selected Topics
  • SPPH 404* Indigenous Health: Historical and Contemporary Issues
  • SPPH 410* Improving Public Health: An Interprofessional Approach to Designing and Implementing Effective Interventions
  • SPPH 481* Special Topics in Population and Public Health


  • BIOC 302 General Biochemistry
  • BIOC 402 Proteins: Structure and Function
  • BIOL 204 Vertebrate Structure and Function
  • BIOL 205 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 209 Biodiversity of Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes
  • BIOL 210 Vascular Plants
  • BIOL 323 Structure and Reproduction of Fungi
  • BIOL 230 Fundamentals of Ecology
  • BIOL 234 Fundamentals of Genetics
  • BIOL 260 Fundamentals of Physiology
  • BIOL 335 Molecular Genetics
  • BIOL 343 Plants and Peoples
  • BIOL 346 Microbes and Society
  • BIOL 421 Plant-Microbe Interactions
  • CAPS 390* Introduction to Microscopic Human Anatomy
  • CAPS 391* Introduction to Gross Human Anatomy
  • CHEM 205 Physical Chemistry
  • CHEM 208 Coordination Chemistry
  • CHEM 211 Introduction to Chemical Analysis
  • CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry
  • CHEM 301 Aqueous Environmental Chemistry
  • CHEM 304 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • CHEM 305 Biophysical Chemistry
  • CHEM 311 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
  • CHEM 330 Advanced Organic Chemistry
  • CHEM 341 Global Challenges: A Chemical Perspective
  • CPSC 100 Computational Thinking
  • CPSC 103 Introduction to Systematic Program Design
  • CPSC 110 Computation, Programs, and Programming
  • DSCI 100 Introduction to Data Science
  • ENVR 200 Introduction to Environmental Science
  • MICB 203 Basic Microbiology Laboratory
  • MICB 211 Foundations of Microbiology (previously MICB 201)
  • MICB 212 Introductory Immunology and Virology (previously MICB 202)
  • MICB 301 Microbial Ecophysiology
  • MICB 306 Molecular Virology
  • MICB 308 Paradigms in Bacterial Pathogenesis
  • MICB 325 Analysis of Microbial Genes and Genomes
  • PATH 375* Introduction to Human Pathology
  • PATH 417* Human Bacterial Infections
  • PCTH 201 Drugs and Society
  • PCTH 325* Rational Basis of Drug Therapy
  • PHIL 333 Bio-Medical Ethics
  • PHYS 117 Dynamics and Waves
  • PHYS 118 Electricity, Light and Radiation
  • PHYS 131 Energy and Waves

Math, Engineering, and Statistics

  • APSC 366 The Art of the Possible: An Introduction to Engineering for Non-Engineers
  • DSCI 100 Introduction to Data Science
  • MATH 200 Calculus III
  • MATH 221 Matrix Algebra
  • STAT 300 Intermediate Statistics for Applications
  • MATH 302/STAT 302 Introduction to Probability

Social Science

  • AMNE 301 The Technical Terms of Medicine and Biological Science (previously CLST 301)
  • ANTH 100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • ANTH 201 Ethnic Relations
  • ANTH 202 Contemporary Social Problems
  • ANTH 210 Eating Culture
  • ANTH 217 Culture and Communication
  • ANTH 220 First Nations of British Columbia
  • ANTH 227 Introduction to Medical Anthropology
  • ANTH 429* Global Health in Cross-Cultural Contexts
  • ANTH 437 Gardens of Culture: The Anthropology of Food Systems
  • APBI 260 Agroecology I: Introduction to principles and techniques
  • APBI 290 Introductory Topics in Applied Biology
  • FMST 210 Family Context of Human Development
  • FMST 312 Parent-child Relationships
  • FMST 314 Relationship Development
  • FMST 316* Human Sexuality
  • GRSJ 310* Gender, Race, Social Justice and Health
  • LFS 302 International Field Studies
  • LFS 400 Audio Storytelling
  • LFS 496 Career Development Practicum
  • PSYC 100 Introductory Psychology
  • PSYC 101 Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • PSYC 102 Introduction to Developmental, Social, Personality and Clinical Psychology
  • PSYC 207 Contemporary Topics in Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • PSYC 208 Contemporary Topics in Social, Developmental, Personality, and Clinical Psychology
  • PSYC 216 Questioning Psychological Science in the Media
  • PSYC 304 Brain and Behaviour
  • PSYC 305 Personality Psychology
  • PSYC 314* Health Psychology
  • PSYC 322 Adulthood and Aging
  • PSYC 367 Sensory Systems
  • SOCI 101 Social Interaction and Culture
  • SOCI 102 Inequality and Social Change
  • SOCI 200 Sociology of Family
  • SOCI 201 Ethnic Relations
  • SOCI 220 Sociology of Indigenous Peoples
  • SOCI 240 Introduction to Social Interaction
  • SOCI 320 Diversity in Family Forms
  • SOCI 342 Consumers and Consumption
  • SOCI 360 Sociology and Natural Resources
  • SOCI 382 Sociological Methods: Qualitative Research
  • SOCI 384* Sociology of Health and Illness
  • SOCI 423 Sociology of Food
  • SOCI 479* Social Determinants of Health


  • ADHE 327 Teaching Adults
  • ADHE 329 Developing Short Courses, Workshops and Seminars
  • ADHE 330 The Community Practice of Adult Education
  • CNPS 363 Career Counselling
  • CNPS 364 Family Education and Consultation
  • CNPS 433 The Personal and Social Development of the Adult
  • EDCP 494 Special Study in Home Economics: Family Studies
  • EPSE 406 Typical and Atypical Development in Infants and Children

No Longer Regularly Offered

While all of the courses listed below are approved to be used as Restricted Electives, they have not been offered at UBC recently, and may not be offered again soon. We do not recommend building your course plan around these options.

  • HESO 400* Sociocultural Determinants of Health
  • KIN 321* Chronic Health Issues and Physical Activity
  • KIN 460* Aging, Health, and Society
  • SOCI 210 Canadian Social Structure