LFS:Learning Centre Pilot Program

From UBC Wiki

Questions to ask when thinking about a pilot program. This should be completed by the person requesting the change/improvement:

What is the problem you want to solve?

What is the problem you will address with this pilot? What will solving this problem do? Why do you want to solve it in this way (the pilot)? How have others solved this problem?

What do you want to know?

What will this pilot program tell you?

e.g. What are the costs (material/support)with providing FOB access to the A/V Room and Media Centre in The Learning Centre?

Intent / Goal:

2-3 sentences outlining what you intend to do, how you will evaluate it and the measures for success.

e.g.Providing 24/7 access to Learning Centre resources will benefit the LC community by providing greater flexibility to users.

e.g.Evaluation: testimonials from users, A/V support staff, stats on usage

e.g.Measures for Success: Will be a success if it maintains current security level while providing greater access at minimal cost.

Background Information:

What is this based on? Who else is doing / has done a similar project?

e.g.The ACMS system is a universal FOB system being piloted in the CICSR and ECE buildings at UBC. It provides single FOB access to potentially all iClass enabled doors on campus. It can be administered locally and is tied into the SIS system to simplify student access to resources. FOB access can be turned off individually and has the potential to reduce re-keying costs.


What is the start and end date for the pilot? How long is it?

e.g.This pilot will run 12 weeks from Aug 15 - Oct 1, 2007.


What are the material costs? What is the cost in human hours? Goodwill?

e.g. 10 x $15 / fob + 15 hours support staff. PLUS 2 hours of convincing staff it is a good idea


What are the potential problems? What is the worst case scenario? What are potential liabilities?

e.g.potential problems: security, lost fobs, don't work, too successful and everyone wants a FOB

Next steps:

Where do we go next if the pilot is a success? What is needed to turn this into an ongoing program wrt to human hours and actual costs? If the pilot is a failure what have we learned?

e.g. If successful we will need to determine who distributes FOBs and collects money. Likely sticky points will be i) collection of funds ii) training staff to support (likely admin office staff) iii) ongoing evaluation through testimonials and stats iv) reporting of usage vs. costs and rollout.