Knowledge Synthesis Wiki - Homepage

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This open textbook is a proof of concept created by two knowledge synthesis librarians, Dean Giustini and Dr. Zahra Premji
The open text is in development, and may be incomplete. If you have any questions, please start a discussion on the talk page.
Knowledge synthesis refers to a synthesis of studies, research and related evidence...

What is knowledge synthesis? The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) defines knowledge synthesis as 'the contextualization and integration of research findings of individual research studies within the larger body of knowledge on the topic. A synthesis must be reproducible and transparent in its methods, using quantitative and/or qualitative methods, and takes the form of a systematic review. It follows the methods developed by organizations such as The Cochrane Collaboration and the Joanna Briggs Institute.

Systematic reviews, realist syntheses, narrative syntheses, meta-analyses, meta-syntheses and practice guidelines are all forms of synthesis.

About this Book

This open textbook will provide an overview of fundamental concepts and techniques that are presently in use in the area of knowledge synthesis. Its intended audience is health sciences librarians who serve a diverse population. It will also be useful for academic librarians, and other expert searchers, and information specialists in related areas beyond health and medicine.

Table of Contents


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