Japan Stationary Museum

From UBC Wiki

The Japan Stationary Museum

General Information

Curator: Mr. Tsuchida

Location: Askusabashi

Contact: 03-3861-4905, the museum does not currently have a web site.

Hours of Operation: 1:00pm-4:00pm; Closed Sat, Sun & Holidays


This free museum is has a small collection of very interesting text tools. In fact, you can trace the path from Egyptian papayrus and ancient Chinese calligraphy to Japanese yatate, text-type setters and modern, disposable pens. The museum has a collection of over thirty yatate and Japan's first electronic Casio calculator. In addition, the museum houses a 170cm-long calligraphy brush that is noted as being made out of the horsetail hairs of fifty horses.


I have uploaded a series of photos to the UBC Wiki, but I am currently learning how to edit their size. They are all too large to upload. Please help!

This is a stone carving created during Rome's Republic
An open yatate. The brush was held in the handle, and ink-soaked cotton was stuffed in the pot