JISC Notes
First interview, Jim Groom
- Open Courses: Free, but Oh, So Costly, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- There is a difference between publishing open courseware and being open: "The key to understanding the value of open education is that most of the benefits accrue to the sharer, not the recipient."
- "Facilitate and support course design where student project work is published to the Web." Also: Text Technologies
- "The option to make "public to the world" should be as easy as flipping a switch." Better yet, choose a default open platform such as this.
Or, to take the example of...
...where reuse of online materials is
- The Chronicle of Higher Education is interested in Jim Groom when he is arguing about Edupunk, not so much when he is pulling off miracles of economy like cloning full-featured publishing platforms in a couple hours.
Note: 'that guy' Brian and Jim are referring to in their little jokes about cults and Canadians is Minhaaj Rehman, who has some very strong words about the implicit imperialism he suggests is embedded in the open education model.
Second interview, David Wiley
- The Future of OCW, and “OCW 2.0″: "A new generation of OpenCourseWare projects are built around sustainability plans. These second generation projects are integrated with distance education offerings, where the public can use and reuse course materials for free (just like first generation OCWs) with the added option of paying to take the courses online for credit (there is no way to earn credit from the first generation OCWs)."