How to Approach Instructors/Introduction

From UBC Wiki
How to Approach Professors, Instructors, and TAs

Many students feel nervous about approaching their professors, instructors and/or TAs for help, clarification, or feedback on their assignments. Remember that your professors have an interest in your success in the class and that they are there to help you. Asking for help when you need it is a sign of strength – you've identified that you need some assistance and are taking steps to get it.

Not sure why you would need to speak with your professor, instructor or TA outside of class time? Here are some reasons that explain why and how you should make use of their office hours:

To succeed in your course
  • Your professors, instructors and TAs will be reading your work to evaluate your success in the course. They are therefore your best resource for finding out more about assignment expectations.
  • If you want clarification on a topic, they will be able to explain it from another angle so that you can understand it better.
  • Why wait until your paper or assignment has been marked to get feedback? Bring examples to ground your writing in. Getting feedback in person can greatly improve your final product. Be sure to ask them if this is ok. While most will welcome the opportunity to provide you with feedback, some may not be able to read your entire draft.

Looking for another place to get feedback on your written work? If you are a UBC student, make sure you check out the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication. If you are a student at another institution you may have access to a similar service there. Additionally, and wherever you study, we advise you to check out our resource on Making the Most of Tutorial Sessions.

You may need academic references in the future
  • Applications for many things, including further schooling, university-related jobs, or funding applications require references. It’s difficult to ask for a reference from someone you have never met nor spoken to! If you develop a professional relationship with your professor/instructor they will be better equipped to tell employers about your strengths.
  • Professors, instructors and/or TAs might also be able to point you towards opportunities in a field you’re interested in.