Grammar Quick Quiz Answer Key

From UBC Wiki

Do the following sentences show the correct use of the indefinite and definite articles? Note: If incorrect, think about how you would re-write them correctly.

Q1: The only US-produced single I bought last summer went on to be a one-hit wonder = CORRECT. Q2: A holistic approach to medicine involves treatment of a patient as well as the ailment = INCORRECT [Correct Version = A holistic approach to medicine involves treatment of a patient as well as an ailment]. Q3: A uncontrolled research study can never provide useful results = INCORRECT [Correct Version = An uncontrolled research study can never provide useful results]. Q4: The black grouse is an honest bird; males make themselves available to females for mating and line up in order of their sex appeal = CORRECT.

Do the following sentences mix tenses? Note: If they do, think about how you could re-write them to make sure they were in the same tense.

Q5: I will probably have graduated by the time I will know what sort of career I want = YES [Possible Re-write: I will probably have graduated by the time I know what sort of career I want]. Q6: I wanted to travel through South America ever since the travel bug bit me = YES [Possible Re-write: I have wanted to travel through South America ever since the travel bug bit me].

Which form of the verbs should be used to fill in the gaps in the following sentences?

Q7: NASA’s astronauts, like Mike, the bomb disposal specialist I know, ARE trained under simulated conditions before being asked to work in real-life situations. Q8: Neither I, nor my colleagues, FEEL that science funding bodies should favour applied research proposals over basic research proposals.

Q9: Which of the sentences in the paragraph below is NOT written in parallel form? Note: Think about how you could re-write it to make sure it is.

Answer = Sentence 1 and 2

Possible Re-write:

Sentence 1: When lecturing, my professor mimics a TV reporter by presenting information in a newsworthy way, removing any boring parts, and never forgetting to explain important jargon. Sentence 2: At the end of her most recent class, we closed our books, turned off our computers, and pushed our chairs under the desks when the next class barged in.

Q10: Which of the sentences in the paragraph below is NOT written in parallel form? Note: Think about how you could re-write it to make sure it is.

Answer = Sentence 3 only.

Possible Re-Write:

Sentence 3: The first student to enter was listening to his iPod, the second was chatting, and the third was shouting a coffee order to his friend. Sentence 4: He soon realized everyone had heard him, so I bet he wished he could have turned back time, switched off his iPod, and walked into the classroom as normal.