Elearning:NewLMS/Accessing BbDrive and WebDAV from UBC Connect

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To access WebDav and Blackboard Drive (Bb Drive) from UBC Connect

You will require the following:

  • Your CWL ID and Password
  • Course Web Folder web address

Setting up your Web Folder

For WebDav and Bb Drive, you will need your Course Web Folder Address:

  1. Go to your course, Content Collections menu.
  2. Right click on “Set up Web Folder".
  3. Cut/paste the URL in “Current Web Address”. Example: https://connect.ubc.ca/bbcswebdav/courses/test.jlee.course7
  4. Instructions to setup your OS are found on this page or select: “Show Instructions for all Operating Systems”.

Setting Up WebDAV


  1. Open Start > Computer.
  2. Add a Network Location/Place (A popup window will reveal an Add Network Place Wizard).
  3. Follow the instructions on the “Add Network Place Wizard.
  4. Select “Choose another network location”.
  5. When prompted for internet or network address, type in the Web Folder address, (i.e. https://connect.ubc.ca/bbcswebdav/courses/test.jlee.course7).
  6. When prompted for username and password, enter your CWL ID and password.
  7. You will then be prompted to enter a name for the Network Place.
  8. Complete the process and click on Finish.
  9. The Web Folder should now be listed in My Network Places.