Elearning:Learning object

From UBC Wiki

The increasing use and reuse of educational multimedia raises questions of pedagogy, technology, and appropriate management. A collaborative effort sponsored by FATE, and coordinated by UBC's Office of Learning Technology, the Learning Object initiative comprises a number of faculty and unit projects that are investigating how to support, research and foster dialogue on the effective use of sharable content. Efforts focus not only on technological solutions, but toward fostering a viable community of practice. Our focus is not only internal, this community engages and partners with national and international organizations to share expertise and resources.


The campus-wide learning objects project began as a coordinated effort amongst the Faculties of Arts, Science, Applied Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, the First Nations Studies Program, Distance Education and Technology, UBC Library, and ITServices. Efforts focused on assessing the utility of learning object strategies, testing tools and systems, and hosting informational and educational events. The College of Health Disciplines and The Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth have since joined the committee overseeing collaboration amongst this diverse set of projects.

Project Leaders

Other Resources

learning community interested in applying wikis in their practice. It's a wiki, so go ahead and contribute!

  • eduSource
    Focused on the creation of a network of linked and interoperable learning object repositories across Canada, an inventory of ongoing development of tools, systems, protocols and practices.