Editing, Succinctness and Dealing with Jargon Quick Quiz Answer Key

From UBC Wiki

Quick Quiz Answer Key

1) Highlight the two unnecessary words in each of the following two sentences (4 marks):

A) Many students worry about being accused of plagiarism because writing something totally unique is pretty difficult.
B) In reality though, they do not need to worry, as long as they do not purposefully mean to copy someone else’s work.

2) The three following sentences begin with overly wordy transitions. Replace these with succinct alternatives without changing the meaning of the sentences (3 marks).

A) To credit someone else’s work properly, you need to learn how to integrate citations in your writing.
B) Because of this requirement, you should read our guide to help you learn how to do this effectively.
C) Currently, students tend to over-cite, rather than under-cite material that has shaped their writing.

3) The sentence below contains some confusing jargon. Split it into two sentences (1 mark), explain one piece of jargon (1 mark), and use parentheses for the other piece (1 mark) to make the sentence less confusing (3 marks total).

The X-Ray Crystallography Callibrator (X-R CC) is useful for determining how different molecules fold and bond with one another to give each protein its unique shape. The X-R CC thus helps us to design drugs that target specific proteins produced by bacteria.

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