Emerging Media Lab - People

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This page is for:

Everyone at EML:

People at EML

You can read more about this at EML's "People" page: https://eml.ubc.ca/people/

Roles at EML

There are several categories of people on the EML team. Here's what we call them.


Staff are generally full-time and may divide their time between EML and another department. They are not faculty.

  • EML Executive Producer
  • Lab Supervisor
  • Software Developer

Student workers

Student workers are paid to be at EML.

  • Co-op students - The co-op program connects us with co-op students, full-time student workers, who work at EML and earning academic credit through the co-op program. Our Lab Coordinator is always a co-op student.
  • Work Learn students - Work Learn students work at EML as a part-time on-campus job. It is not for academic credit, and the expectations are to treat this as any other workplace. Work Learns are paid for 10 hours a week of work during the Fall/Winter/Spring academic term, and 20 hours a week during the Summer term. For Design/Development/Marketing & Communications assisting.
  • UAAs/GAAs - Undergraduate Academic Assistants (like RAs or TAs) are similar to Work Learn students, except they work a maximum of 12 hours a week in all terms. We don't generally have UAAs on EML-only projects, but they do work on projects that are funded outside EML. Some projects may have a mix of UAA and Work Learn students working on them, and it's good for everyone to be clear about how many hours each are working.


Many students volunteer to work unpaid on EML and EMLx projects, but their responsibilities are slightly different depending on what they're working on. This is how we classify the two kinds:

  • EML project volunteers
    • Project volunteers are assigned to work on a given project. As a volunteer, you are not guaranteed to be assigned to a project, and while you are welcome to decline an invitation, you won't necessarily be able to join a different project. (This is due to us requiring specific skills on a project.) However, all volunteers are able to work on EMLx projects:
  • EMLx volunteers - All EML volunteers and Work Learns are allowed to participate in EMLx. It can be a good way to keep your foot in the door with EML, to keep appraised of whether or not there are any openings on project teams. (Find out more about EMLx on the EML website: https://eml.ubc.ca/emlx/)