Documentation talk:Developing Social Space
Hey Brian,
Here are some images you might want to consider:
- For a comparison of traditional model to networked learning, here are some useful diagrams (much like the ones I looked for but couldn't find):
- For a (perhaps more basic view) of how students may participate in various social environments there is this:

Which may offer a nice lead in to a question like: Given that many learners today are participating in a variety of social spaces outside the course:
- how is the social space in a course unique?
- can existing social spaces (networks) be leveraged to meet your goals for social space in your course? if not, why not?
- advantages/disadvantages of an approach that brings the social space outside of the course?
In terms of further framing , there may be something interesting in George Siemens blog post on Teaching in Social and Technological Networks from earlier this year:
Hey Catherine,
I think we are trying to come up with content for the following:
- discussion
- groupwork
- effective practice
- process
don't know whether some of the community of practice stuff might come in handy here?
Why don't we use this space to collect our thoughts and some resources as a way to get started?
Here is some stuff about process from Digital Habitats (Wenger, White and Smith)
Possible readings?
[ Weaving Together Online and Face-To-Face Learning: A Design From A Communities Of Practice Perspective]
Cultural Crossings:Using Stories to Inform Your Learning Journey
Moderation (old but a few useful things could be gleaned I think)
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