Documentation:WeBWorK/Roles and Permissions Settings

From UBC Wiki

This page outlines the roles available in the UBC version of WeBWorK and their associated permission settings. A table of Canvas to WeBWork Role mapping is provided at the bottom.

For courses created in Canvas, only the Professor/TA/Designer/Student roles are explicitly mapped to their Canvas roles. The "Guest" role is a fallback for unrecognized roles from Canvas. For example, if a Canvas admin launched into the course but isn't enrolled in the Canvas course (they don't have a course role), they'll end up as a Guest.

The Grade/Login Proctor roles are for in-person proctored quizzes. Login Proctors start quizzes for students and Grade Proctors allow students to submit their finished quiz.

Professor TA Designer Grade Proctor Login Proctor Student Guest


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Problem Sets

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Check Problem Answers

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Proctored Tests

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Proctor Test Login ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Proctor Test Grade ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
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Course Management

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Hardcopy Processor

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This table was created using information on WeBWork defaults and UBC-specific settings.

Users roles and permissions in WeBWork are automatically assigned based on their role in Canvas. The table below outlines how those roles are assigned.

Canvas Role WeBWork Role
Student Student
Test Student Student
Teacher Professor
Secondary Instructor Professor
Course ISS Professor
TA Grader TA
TA Course Builder TA
Course Assistant TA
Course Facilitator TA
Designer Designer
Invigilator Designer
Observer Student
Guest Student
ISS Admin Guest

This table was created using information on Canvas Role Mappings.