Program Description
The UDL Fellows Program will support you, the nominated faculty members and staff, to develop expertise in UDL through a cohort-based professional development program. It is comprised of a series of facilitated workshops, online modules, and a project-focused set of activities to help you use UDL principles to redesign your courses to be more inclusive and accessible. Courses impacted by these projects will benefit students from all backgrounds, not just those with accessibility needs, by providing more options and flexibility through the design of resources, tools, and course delivery.
Program Goals
The goals of the UDL Fellows program are to:
- Identify and address systemic barriers to equitable learning opportunities, to create and sustain equitable and inclusive campuses (supporting UBC Strategic Plan Strategy 4: Inclusive Excellence and enhancing the accessibility of physical and virtual spaces for students, staff, and faculty)
- Improve access and inclusion in on-campus, online and hybrid teaching and learning environments with a focus on barriers for students with disabilities or other accommodations
- Develop a network of practitioners with expertise in applying UDL approaches in the design and delivery of courses across a range of disciplines and who will promote awareness of UDL amongst faculty and staff across UBC
- Develop a range of strategies and resources to help increase support for accessibility in UBC courses and on its campuses.
2023 UDL Consultants
A UDL Consultant refers to a member of the UDL Planning and Development team and works with you to support you throughout the program. Each nominated team will be assigned a UDL Consultant. The 2023 UDL Consultants are:
Centre for Accessibility:
● Sarah Knitter
● Mollie McAllister
● Ac Deger
● Faculty of Education: Natasha Boskic
● Faculty of Arts: Angela Lam
● Faculty of Land and Food System:
● Faculty of Science: Marie Krbavac
● Faculty of Pharmaceutical: Jocelyn Micallef
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
● Jeff Miller
● Nausheen Shafiq
● Bosung Kim
● Natash Pestonji-Dixon
● Emily Renoe
● Letitia Englund
● Hailan Chen
● Stephen Michaud
● Afsaneh Sharif
Program Modality
Core programmatic sessions such as the 2023 UDL Kickoff (May 1, 2023), 2023 UDL Midpoint (June 12, 2023), and the 2023 will be offered online using Zoom. The core sessions are mandatory.
The UDL Workshops and Drop-in session will also be held online using Zoom. UDL Studios that you attend at your own convenience may be multi-access.
Inclusive Participation, and Learning
We are committed to creating a learning experience that is inclusive, accessible and encourages your activity . As a planning team, we are still building our understanding of inclusive design; this means that we will probably make mistakes along the way.
If you encounter barriers at any point, please let your consultant know immediately so we can determine what design adjustment(s) can be made.
If you anticipate any issues related to the format, materials, or requirements of the UDL, please contact your consultant to explore potential options that will best support you (and help us learn).
General Accommodations
We recognize circumstances (university related, personal, professional, etc.) may arise that might interfere with your program participation and/or completion of assignments. To this end, we are willing to make reasonable accommodations as long as they are brought to our attention in advance or close to the issue at hand. It is much easier to deal with a problem before it arises than it is to correct a situation long after it has occurred. Please contact your consultant directly to discuss accommodations.
1) If questions or concerns arise, please contact your UDL Consultant directly.
2) Canvas Course Announcements
We will be sending regular program announcements using the Canvas Announcements tool. Follow these announcements to learn about upcoming events, important program changes, and upcoming assignments and deadlines. To receive UDL announcements, be sure to set your Canvas notifications to receive immediate or daily notifications.
3) UDL Consultant Participation in Discussions
While we will stay up to date on your discussion posts and responses - and will read every one of them - you'll note that we are seldom the 'first responders' to any message (unless, of course, it is a direct request for assistance or information). We've deliberately adopted this “peer-led”' approach to give you all an opportunity to respond to your colleagues in the course. Past experience has shown us that responses from instructors can truncate an otherwise promising discussion. So we will be there reading and responding, but rarely as the first person to respond. In order to foster the TDP learning community, it is important that all participants contribute to the Readings and Discussions in a timely manner. In order to have the community feedback discussions function properly, you are strongly encouraged to submit your posts and respond to the posts of your peers by the prescribed deadlines.
Facilitators will monitor and answer questions that you ask in the Ask Us Anything discussion topic. Ask your colleagues teaching and learning related questions in the Ask Each Other Anything discussion topic.
Attendance and Participation
Your active participation in all aspects of the UDL is encouraged and required.
Learning Activities
· UDL Kickoff: Explore the program policies, guidelines and expectations, and UDL activities.
· UDL Online Workshops: Five workshops developed specifically for UDL participants are offered during the program. The goal of these sessions is to bring together a cohort of peers for a comprehensive learning on UDL and accessibility as well as networking experience. Please see “Workshops Schedule ” for dates.
o #1 Introduction to Accessibility: May DATE, 2023 from 10 to 11:30 TITLE OF THE WORKSHOP (Online)
o #2 Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
o #3 Multiple Means of Representation
o #4 Multiple Means of Engagement
o #5 Multiple Means of Action and Expression
· UDL Studios: The UDL Studios provide hand-on experience where you can apply what you have learned in the UDL workshop into your course design. …Please see “Studios Schedule” for dates..
· UDL Explorer and UDL Community:
· UDL Reading Discussions:
· UDL Hub and Accessibility Corner:
· Small Group Meetings:
· UDL Evaluation Plan