Documentation:UBC iClicker User Guide (Mac) WebCT Gradebook

From UBC Wiki

How do I view my students' iClicker grades in WebCT Vista?

1. Login to WebCT Vista and go into your class.

2. Click the "Teach" tab.

K1 - Teach Tab.png

3. In the sidebar, click "Grade Book".

K2 - Grade Book Tab.png

K3 - Grade Book Table.png

4. Your sessions will appear exactly as they are in iGrader.

K4 - Session Table.png

How do I view the session grades in an Excel File?

1. In iGrader, press "Export Term Summary as CSV(Excel) File".

K5 - Export Term Summary.png

2. Press "No" when the "Confirm Upload" pop-up appears.

K6 - Confirm Upload Box Select No.png

3. In your course folder, open the "uploadfile.csv" file in Microsoft Excel.

K7 - Open With Excel.png

4. Your session file in Excel Format:

K8 - Session Data in Excel.png