Documentation:UBC Social Media Handbook/Social Media Brief

From UBC Wiki

Social Media Brief

Before embarking on a social media initiative, it's important to consider how your efforts in social media fit into broader strategies and goals of your unit and the university. Many of the tools used in social media may be free, but free to use does not equal no cost to implement and support.


  • Why are you setting up a social media presence?

Goals & Objectives

  • What do you hope to achieve with this social media presence?
  • How will you measure performance, progress, and success?
  • How will you know when you've achieved your goals?


  • Who do you want to reach out to?
  • Who is your audience and how do you want to connect with them?

Resources & Approval

  • Who needs to give their "ok" to launch this initiative? Who is the business owner?
  • What kind of resources will be required to maintain this initiative?
  • Does your unit have the required skills and knowledge?
  • How will you staff this initiative? How long will you be able to provide this level of support?


  • Who else will be impacted by your initiative?
  • Are there any other units already embarking on a similar project?
  • Are there other units that you can collaborate with?

You may not have all the answers, or in some cases the answer may be "we don't know", but at least taking the time to ask and answer these questions will help you plan an initial strategy.