
From UBC Wiki

Need Help? Just Ask!

Stuck? Got a question? Here are a few ways to get help:

  • Ask in Twitter - The main channel to the TWP community is found just by including #TWP15 in your message.
  • Describe the problem in your blog - It might be difficult to fit an issue in a tweet, so use your blog it describe it fully. Use screen shots to show us the situation. A blog post will not only help you, it will help others. So when a solution comes, update your post with that as an answer.
  • Post a comment on the Teaching with WordPress site - Again, facilitators
  • Search - WordPress is a widely used and documented tool and mostly likely there are available resources that may be of help. For example as search like “How to put flickr in my wordpress blog” has numerous results, including walk through videos. Additionally, searching on the text of error messages e.g. WordPress fatal error call to undefined function.