Documentation:Student Toolkit/ePortfolios
What are ePortfolios?
E-Portfolios are personally designed online showcases of your work.
How can I use an ePortfolio?
As a student, you can use an e-portfolio as a medium to conveniently and effectively highlight the myriad of skills and projects you’ve developed over the course of earning your degree for networking or future employment purposes.
How does UBC support it?
UBC supports ePortfolios by facilitating ePortfolio workshops, and providing online resources and documentation. Additionally, the WordPress/UBC Blogs platform provides a space where you can develop your ePortfolio. Have a look at the portfolio examples from some students in the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education
What can I put in my ePortfolio?
- An up-to-date, employer-ready, professional, master resume.
- A writing sample, such as a research paper or comparative essay that highlights your writing style, analytical skills, and your ability to form a cohesive argument and defend it with effective and relevant evidence.
- Media content, such as, podcasts, videos, or presentations that show off your creative flair and technical capabilities.
- Photos or videos of volunteer events you ran or participated in, or university clubs you are a part of with a brief description.
- Reflections of previous projects, work experiences or learning activities, that demonstrate skills that you are acquiring.
- Scholarships, certificates of achievement or qualifications IE: serving it right, first aid, foodsafe, etc.
- Anything else that you are proud of and shows that you’re: professional, skilled, and hireable.
- How do you want people to get in touch with you?
Who else is using an ePortfolio?
Entrepreneurs, photographers, designers, urban planners, contractors, teachers, recent graduates, business owners, future employers and students documenting their learning
5 questions to ask yourself before you create your e-portfolio
- Why create an ePortfolio? Watch the video at the top of this page to review some reasons for creating an ePortfolio.
- Who will be viewing this portfolio and what is it’s purpose? Is the portfolio designed for documenting your learning or highlighting your work experience? Click here for a discussion of types of ePortfolios.
- Do I have appropriate and interesting media content to illuminate my competencies and artistic capabilities? Click here to view an example of a ePortfolio that uses interesting media content
- Do I have the correct contact information, phone number, professional email address, phone number with a professional voicemail? Click here to view guidelines on professional ePortfolios.
- Are my privacy settings in place to ensure my online presence is available for networking and employers while my personal information is protected? Click here to read about privacy considerations online.
Student Resources
- Student ePortfolio Toolkit
- Starting to Build an ePortfolio as a Student - networkED blog
- Resources on how eportfolio can affect your online presence and digital identity.
Copyright Resources
When you are working on an e-portfolio project , it is always important to consider about copyright. Here are the resources that can help you get started with: