Documentation:Stop Motion/Main page/Edit
What your editing process will look like depends on what software you use: a program designed specifically for stop motion animation will have features a standard video editing program won't. There are too many programs to list specific tricks and tips for all of them. The resources section has links to helpful information for some more common programs. Between those, online tutorials, and the checklist items, editing should be relatively straightforward. If you chunked your content, stuck to your script, and followed the advice in the recording section, the only problems you encounter while you're editing should be specific to the software you're using.
When editing, try to remove anything which isn't necessary: the shorter your video, the likelier it will be watched and effectively absorbed. Ask yourself if you can remove content and still communicate your point. If you can't cut anything, but feel like your video is too long, consider splitting it into multiple parts.
Including a title slide with a brief overview of the material you plan on covering can help set a learner's expectations. Branded title slides are available from UBC. Click here for more information.