Documentation:Statistical Frequency distribution example

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Here’s an example in R – Stat you can use to produce a frequency distribution range broken into intervals of 10.

> y [1] 74 73 71 55 91 68 93 37 78 57 65 58 83 65 72 88 85 73 97 73 75 75 62 41 68 [26] 62 78 83 63 81 56 65 67 81 95 76 81 53 57 67 82 43 69 62 31 87 78 41 98 73

- I created a column array y with the data values.

> range(y) - Range outputs the range of values which is [31,98]. 31 is the minimum value in the range and 98 is the maximum value in the range. [1] 31 98

> breaks = seq(30,100,by=10) - You can then use the breaks command to break the data into intervals of 10 beginning at 30 and ending at 100. So the intervals are [30,40) [40,50) ….[90,100)

> breaks - Outputs the break intervals beginning at 30. [1] 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

> y.cut = cut(y,breaks,right=FALSE) - The data is classified using the cut function into the break point intervals “breaks” and intervals are closed to the left and open on the right, therefore right=FALSE.

> y.freq = table(y.cut) - calculates the frequency of y in each interval using table function.

> y.freq - outputs the table, displaying this break intervals and the frequency of the y range of values for each interval. e.g. There are 2 values that fall in the range of [30 to 40) but less than 40.

y.cut [30,40) [40,50) [50,60) [60,70) [70,80) [80,90) [90,100) 2 3 6 12 13 9 5

> cbind(y.freq) - outputs the frequency distribution in a column format.

y.freq [30,40) 2 [40,50) 3 [50,60) 6 [60,70) 12 [70,80) 13 [80,90) 9 [90,100) 5

> barplot(y.freq,ylim=c(0,15)) - plots the graph, y.freq is the data to plot. ylim is the limit of the yaxis

This graph is the outputted graph from the above data