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Documentation:Standard Operating Procedures for Shimadzu UV 160 Spectrophotometer
- Turn on Spectrophotometer (left side) and allow to warm up for 10 min.
- In main menu, press “1” for photometric, then “enter”.
- Press “yes” to change parameter, then “1” for wavelength, then “enter”.
- Type in desired wavelength and press “enter”.
- Press “yes”, then “5”, then “enter”, “1”, “enter” to again change desired wavelength, type in wavelength and “enter”.
- Press “yes”, “6”, “enter” to set print data.
- When all settings are complete, press “no” to enter data acquisition mode.
- Place the cuvettes with the control/buffers/ddH2O in both reference and sample slots.
- Press “autozero” to zero.
- Rinse and change samples into sample cuvette, place the cuvette in the sample slot, press “start” to read. The reading should be printed.
- When all samples are complete, remove the cuvettes, press “return”, “mode” to go back to main menu before turning off.
- Press “Chart feed” to load paper until you can tear.
- Turn off the spectrophotometer.
- Sign the log book.
- To reserve a time to utilize the spectrophotometer, please visit https://www.qreserve.com/r/resource/QR00182800