Documentation:Standard Operating Procedures for Shimadzu UV 160 Spectrophotometer

From UBC Wiki
  1. Turn on Spectrophotometer (left side) and allow to warm up for 10 min.
  2. In main menu, press “1” for photometric, then “enter”.
  3. Press “yes” to change parameter, then “1” for wavelength, then “enter”.
  4. Type in desired wavelength and press “enter”.
  5. Press “yes”, then “5”, then “enter”, “1”, “enter” to again change desired wavelength, type in wavelength and “enter”.
  6. Press “yes”, “6”, “enter” to set print data.
  7. When all settings are complete, press “no” to enter data acquisition mode.
  8. Place the cuvettes with the control/buffers/ddH2O in both reference and sample slots.
  9. Press “autozero” to zero.
  10. Rinse and change samples into sample cuvette, place the cuvette in the sample slot, press “start” to read. The reading should be printed.
  11. When all samples are complete, remove the cuvettes, press “return”, “mode” to go back to main menu before turning off.
  12. Press “Chart feed” to load paper until you can tear.
  13. Turn off the spectrophotometer.
  14. Sign the log book.
To reserve a time to utilize the spectrophotometer, please visit