Documentation:Standard Operating Procedures for Incubator

From UBC Wiki

1.   Please obtain proper training from the FNH teaching lab technician Imelda Cheung ( prior to using the incubator.

2.  Check to make sure there is no samples in the incubator before operating.

If unknown samples are found in the incubator, ASK FOR HELP!

3.  Turn on the incubator and set the desired temperature digitally or by adjusting the dial. Do not EXCEED the temperature limits of the incubator or it will be damaged.

Blue M: 20 – 55 oC
Fisher Isotemp 1: 20 – 75 oC
Precision low temperature: 5 – 60 oC
If unsure, ASK FOR HELP!

4.  Once set, the incubator should heat to reach the desired temperature.

It is strongly recommended that you place a thermometer in a flask in the incubator to monitor real-time temperature of the incubator.

5.  When the temperature stabilized and the heat light goes off, the incubator is ready to use. You may now place your samples (properly labelled with names, course #/supervisor and dates) in the incubator.

Please ensure you write the set temperature of the incubator on the dry erase sheet so other users may share if necessary.

6.  When experiment is complete, remove all your samples from the incubator, and turn off.

If you spill any sample in the incubator, immediately notify the FNH teaching lab technician for disinfecting. Failure to do so will result in forbidden usage of the teaching lab facility.