Documentation:Standard Operating Procedures for Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 560

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Atomic Absorption Spectometer
  1. Please obtain proper training from the FNH teaching lab technician Imelda Cheung ( prior to using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 560
  2. Screw on tightly the sample slot.
  3. Turn on the power switch of AAS 560.
  4. Turn on acetylene gas tank (in the corner).
  5. Turn on the air flow on the wall to parallel to pipe (red lever).
  6. Adjust the air flow on AAS 560 to in between the green and yellow tape mark on the oxidant gauge.
    • For oxidant, adjust closer to the green tape. To adjust the air flow, turn control to AIR, then adjust fine/coarse knob until gauge reads just below the green tape.
  7. Adjust the fuel on AAS 560 to in between the green and yellow tape mark on the fuel gauge.
    • For fuel, adjust closer to the center between yellow and green tapes. To adjust the fuel, turn control to fuel, then adjust fine/coarse knob until gauge reads in between the green and yellow tape.
  8. When everything is set, turn control to AIR, and light the flame with lighter while turning FUEL on (click switch towards you).
    • A nice blue flame that is about 2 inches tall should be observed. If the flame is yellow, decrease the oxidant level.
    The order in which you ignite the flame is very important! If the fuel is turned on first, you will create a lot of ashes but will fail to ignite the flame.
  9. Place the sample tubing in ddwater, flush for 30 seconds and pay attention to any leaks.
    • If no leak is observed, then zero the instrument, while ddwater is flushing, using the “AZ” button.
    If leak is observed, turn off the flame following step 12. Unscrew the sample slot and re-screw to ensure a tight seal. Re-ignite the flame following step 8.
  10. Now the instrument is ready for sample measurement. Place the sample tubing in the sample and take readings when stabilized.
    • Always start with the lowest concentration and work your way up to the highest concentration.
    The instrument is old so there will be slight fluctuation in value. Take the value that is most occurred during the short time span.
  11. After measuring all samples, place sample tubing back in ddwater to rinse for 1 min.
  12. Turn FUEL off, then turn AIR off.
  13. Turn off the air flow on the wall by turning the red lever to a perpendicular position.
  14. Turn off acetylene gas tank.
  15. Finally turn off the instrument.
To reserve a time to utilize the atomic absorption spectrometer, please visit