Documentation:SimPL Purchasing Instructions

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Purchasing Instructions

  1. When you need to purchase anything for your project, please identify the item you need to purchase in the lab purchasing wishlist (link). Common preferred vendors for electronic components are (very fast), and when digikey doesn't have the component (e.g. lithium ion batteries). For mechanical components, please check the notes on this page regarding vendor preference. is also a good place to look. In general, if there are domestic vendors offering similar pricing, they would be preferred to avoid additional fees with shipping/customs.
  2. Once you have filled in the items you need, please send an email to me and list the item row #'s for approval (e.g. rows 61-65).
  3. Once I approve the items (as indicated by the approval column in the spreadsheet), I will also indicate who the purchase is assigned to and the account to use. Please note that for the hockey wearable EEG project, Cidnee is authorized to make purchases with ECE purchasing, and for other accounts, Calvin Qiao is authorized.
  4. If an order is assigned to Cidnee or Calvin, please talk to them/email them to let them know that the order is ready to go. They will place the order through ECE purchasing and also be the ones to notify you of shipment arrival.
  5. It is also fine to purchase something yourself and get reimbursed, in which case please still follow steps 1-2 for approval. Reimbursement forms and instructions are available on the lab server in the forms folder.