Documentation:Podcasting Basics/DIY Media/Script

From UBC Wiki

Review principles for learning, instruction and media development. See Design Principles for Mutimedia
Consider the story you want to tell.
Create a rough script for your first podcast.
Have a colleague review the script for interest, clarity, sound appeal and learning benefit.

Prepare your content by putting together a script:

  • Include an introduction and conclusion section in your podcast
  • Write for the ear. Writing for what something sounds like is different than writing for reading. Here are some resources:
  • When you are finished writing, read your script aloud to see if it sounds natural.
  • Do a mouth edit. Basically read your script to see if you trip over your words - if so - edit them to something that comes more naturally. See Revising Sentences.
  • Have a colleague read your script to check if it matches your objectives for learning.
  • Mark your script for recording by underlining for emphasis, inserting vertical lines for pauses, arrows for vocal inflections or any other notes

Script Resources

  • Write for your ear and for your mouth. When scripting, write the way you talk.
  • One thought per sentence. Keep your sentences brief; this is not the time for a paragraph-long run-on sentence.
  • Be concise. Avoid unnecessary description and use direct language.
  • Be clear. Avoid jargon and, when possible, acronyms. If you’re using stats, round the numbers or use metaphors to convey meaning.
  • Mark your script for recording by underlining for emphasis, inserting vertical lines for pauses, arrows for vocal inflections or any other notes