Documentation:Peer Review of Teaching/UBC Peer Review of Teaching Initiative
UBC Peer Review of Teaching Initiative
UBC strongly endorses peer review and mentoring of teaching as aspects of academic culture that should be encouraged and permeate all academic units across the university.
The tabs above link to webpages that provide details of the support structures and the processes in place for Peer Review of Teaching (PRT) at UBC, both in a formative sense (in terms of professional development and growth as an educator) and for summative review (to inform decision making regarding re-appointment, promotion and tenure).
- The UBC Context for Peer Review of Teaching provides both a short rationale for the importance of a credible peer review component in evaluation of teaching practice, plus the 2009 report of the UBCV working group of Peer Review of Teaching, which articulates the principles and guidelines for introducing a summative peer review of teaching process.
- The Capacity Building for summative PRT provides details of the developments undertaken in 2010-11 to produce implementation plans within each Faculty for introduction of a summative PRT scheme, together with workshop materials provided to train Faculty leaders in PRT.
- Support for formative PRT provides links to a Community of Practice (one of several developed within and supported by CTLT) that aims to encourage dialogue and holds regular events to support staff wishing to develop their expertise of and experience with formative PRT.
- Additional resources links to other relevant material, including: UBC documentation for tenure, promotion and re-appointment processes (Faculty Relations); a video presentation detailing the interrelationship between formative and summative PRT; and a collection of relevant external links.