
From UBC Wiki

About the Online Assessment Resource Centre

This website is part of the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Project, "A Web-based Assignment Feedback and Grading Resource Centre". The project is developing electronic resources and support tools to help faculty with practical techniques for evaluation, assignment marking, giving assignment feedback, and to help develop standardized practice, increase consistency, and better support students.

The resources developed will help faculty select appropriate techniques, facilitate the marking, grading and administering of feedback for a variety of student assignments (both electronic and otherwise).


The objectives of the project are to:

  1. Develop a secure Internet Resource Centre incorporating grading and feedback support tools
  2. Foster the development of good marking practices and skills, and facilitate easier marking practices, especially in new faculty learning evaluation, marking and feedback techniques
  3. Improve the quality and consistency of student assignment feedback practices
  4. Improve the administration of grading and assignment feedback for faculty members
  5. Demonstrate and showcase standards for best evaluation practices