Documentation:New Faculty Orientation Guide/Next Steps

From UBC Wiki

Develop Your Teaching Practice

Your commitment to developing your teaching practice is key to both you and your students’ success at UBC. You will be busy and there will be many things competing for your time. Make an effort to build time into your schedule to reflect on your teaching and to develop your practice.

Connections with peers are also important! We have had many faculty at the New Faculty and Staff Orientation share stories of the invaluable connections with peers and how those peers have served as mentors and supporters over the years. Make the time to invite a colleague you met at the Orientation out for coffee in your first term.

CTLT offers a variety of opportunities to network with peers, attend workshops, get drop-in help and more. Take these steps to stay up-to-date and connected.

Design Your Own Teaching Pathway

CTLT has developed a web resource that can assist you with designing your own pathway to developing your teaching practice. Think about what you want to do related to advancing your teaching and supporting your learning. You might want to develop your teaching or explore educational leadership opportunities. This portal shares the events, resources and services CTLT offers that can help you explore those opportunities and connect with CTLT staff who can help. The is under construction and will be available soon!

Teaching Pathways

Here are some sample Teaching Pathways you could explore:

01 02 03 04
  1. New Faculty and Staff Orientation
  2. Faculty Instructional Skills Workshop
  3. Learning Technology Studio
  1. Canvas Lunch'n'Learns
  2. DIY Media
  3. CTLT Spring Institute
  4. Learning Tech [LT] Hub
  1. Course Design Intensive
  2. Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment
  1. Classroom Climate Series
  2. CTLT Winter Institute
05 06 07
  1. CTLT Summer Institute
  2. Classroom Climate Series
  3. Course Design Institute
  1. Open for Learning Series
  2. Celebrate Learning Week
  1. Teaching Portfolio
  2. Peer Review of Teaching

Go Further

The following is a list of resources that may help your next steps at UBC: