Documentation:Library:Circle/FROGBEAR Item record example

From UBC Wiki


This guide hows the process of how data (audio/photos/videos) and metadata (descriptions) become item records in UBC Open Collections.

What is a record?

The item record is the final product of data + metadata. The audio, photographs and videos that you record are the data that you describe using the metadata template. See Documentation:Library:Circle/FROGBEAR Describing your data for tips on how to describe your data.

Infographic describing the relation between an item and an item record, which contains data and metadata.


The audio, photo or video taken by the data collector. In this example, here is one of several relevant images taken at one site.

Hall of Jade Emperor original photo


The descriptive and administrative metadata recorded by the metadata collector and transferred to the metadata spreadsheet.

Screenshot of select sample metadata for cIRcle item record description for FROGBEAR project

Item Record

The record that displays to the public through UBC Open Collections


The record that displays to the public through FROGBEAR

Hall of the Jade Emperor record in FROGBEAR