Documentation:Learning Platforms/Pedagogies/eportfolio/Supporting Tools
Get Started
Steps in the portfolio process:
1. Collect - collect evidence and save artifacts that demonstrate your achievements
2. Select - choose artifacts and evidence that best demonstrate your skills
3. Evaluate - ask a peer, a mentor or your advisor to evaluate your portfolio and give you feedback
4. Reflect - reflect on what you've experienced and learned
5. Present - personalize your porfolio and present it
For Academics
If you are considering incorporating e-Portfolios in your course check out the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) article on Effective Practice with e-Portfolios
In this report, they recommend 6 steps for Effective e-Portfolio-based learning:
1. Define – e-Portfolios can mean different things in different contexts. Establish the purpose and objectives of your e-portfolio initiative. Define the issues it aims to address, the likely support needs of the learners and the nature of the learning environment before asking: ‘Which tools, systems or approaches should we adopt?’
2. Understand – e-Portfolio-based learning offers real potential for autonomous and personalised learning. However, a vision for e-portfolios as the hub of student learning will have an impact on pedagogic and other institutional practices. Ask: ‘What kind of learning outcomes do we require from the e-portfolio initiative and what implications will this have for our practitioners, administrative and technical staff?’
3. Prepare – e-Portfolios raise a number of fundamental issues around ownership of data and identity and access management. The embedding of any e-learning tool requires assessment of risks as well as benefits, plus investment in staff training and support. Accessibility, IPR, copyright and other potential legal issues also need to be raised. Ask: ‘Who will prepare the ground?’
4. Engage – e-Portfolio use is a far-reaching initiative that may involve practitioners, personal tutors, administrative, technical and learning support staff, and, potentially, workplace mentors outside the institution. Ask: ‘What are the most effective strategies for engaging and sustaining the commitment of learners, and those involved in supporting learners’ use of e-portfolios?’
5. Implement – Effective e-portfolio use does not occur on any scale without leadership from curriculum managers and practitioner teams. Ask: ‘What are the lessons learnt from the pilots we have run? What are the factors, such as timing or involvement of e-portfolio champions, that might influence the outcomes?’
6. Review – Use a range of methodologies to explore the viewpoints both of learners and practitioners – guidance and reusable templates for learner evaluation of e-learning initiatives have been developed under the JISC Learner Experiences of e-Learning programme.34 Ask: ‘How will we evidence and evaluate the outcomes?’
For Students
What can I put in my e-Portfolio?
- An up-to-date, employer-ready, professional, master resume.
- A writing sample, such as a research paper or comparative essay that highlights your writing style, analytical skills, and your ability to form a cohesive argument and defend it with effective and relevant evidence.
- Media content, such as, podcasts, videos, or presentations that show off your creative flair and technical capabilities.
- Photos of volunteer events you ran or participated in, or university clubs you are a part of with a brief description.
- Reflections of previous projects, work experiences or learning activities, that demonstrate skills that you are acquiring.
- Scholarships, certificates of achievement or qualifications IE: serving it right, first aid, foodsafe, etc.
- Anything else that you are proud of and shows that you’re: professional, skilled, and hireable.
- How do you want people to get in touch with you?
How does UBC support e-Portfolios?
UBC supports e-Portfolios by facilitating e-Portfolio workshops, and providing online resources and documentation. Additionally, the WordPress/UBC Blogs platform provides a space where you can develop your ePortfolio.