Documentation:Larestani Language Knowledgebase/Cultural Patterns of Shiite-Sunni Integration in Southern Iran
Cultural Patterns of Shiite-Sunni Integration in Southern Iran
Title of Publication/Source
"Cultural Patterns of Shiite-Sunni Integration in Southern Iran: The Study of Sunni and Shiite Intercultural Sensitivity in South Fars Province (Larestan) and West Hormozgan Province (Bastak)."
Masoomeh Taghizadegan, Mohammad Reza Moridi, and Behzad Moridi.
Document Type
Journal Article.
Year of Publication
Journal of Iranian Cultural Research.
Language of Publication
Farsi. English.
Mode of Access
Online. Full text in both Farsi and a shorter version in English is available on the Journal of Iranian Cultural Research website. A copy of the text in just English is also available on, an Iranian journal databank.
Sociocultural analysis of the co-existence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in the counties of Larestan and Bastak; as two examples of regions in Iran where sympathy exists between the two religious sects. found cultural sensitivity and ethnocentrist views to be stronger in Sunni Muslims in the region.
Full Citation
Taghizadegan, M., Moridi, M.R., & Moridi, B. "Cultural Patterns of Shiite-Sunni Integration in Southern Iran: The Study of Sunni and Shiite Intercultural Sensitivity in South Fars Province (Larestan) and West Hormozgan Province (Bastak)." Journal of Iranian Cultural Research, vol. 11, no. 3, 2018, pp. 161-185., doi: 10.22631/JICR.2018.638