Documentation:ISW/Lesson Plan/Core Lesson Components/Online/Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching

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This online module uses the ISW BOPPPS model as a lesson planning framework.

Online Component

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Reflect on your own experience and identify tangible strategies or actions that your instructor used to help motivate you to learn
  • Using the Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching, devise at least two (2) strategies you can use to motivate your learners in a classroom


Take a moment to think of a class you have taken and considered it being very effective (e.g., you learned a lot!). What did the instructor do that made the class effective and that helped you learn?

Note: You do not have to share your reflection below, unless you'd like to! We will revisit this during our face-to-face session.


The Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching

The Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching respects different individual cultures and works at the same time to create a common culture in the learning situation that all adults can accept. This framework includes four motivational conditions that the instructor and the learners collaboratively create or enhance:

  • Establishing inclusion: Creating a learning atmosphere in which learners and instructors feel respected by and connected to one another
  • Developing attitude: Creating a favorable disposition toward the learning experience through personal relevance and choice
  • Enhancing meaning: Creating challenging, thoughtful learning experiences that include learners’ perspectives and values
  • Engendering competence: Creating an understanding that learners are effective in learning something they value

These conditions are essential for developing intrinsic motivation among all participants in a professional development program. These motivational conditions work in concert. They occur together in the moment as well as over a period of time. Program developers and educators need to plan to establish and coordinate the conditions.

Excerpt from: Wlodkowski, Raymond J. 2003. Fostering motivation in professional development programs. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 2003, (98): 39-48

Brainstorm and Share

With the four motivational conditions mentioned above, what might be some strategies you can use to motivate your learners? Please list at least two potential strategies in the comment box below.

Go Further

  • Wlodkowski, Raymond J. “Fostering motivation in professional development programs.” New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2003. 98: 39-48
  • Wlodkowski, Raymond J., and Margery B. Ginsberg. "A Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching." Educational Leadership, 1995. 53.1: 17-21.

Module Credits

This module was originally designed by Dr. Deborah Chen and adopted by the Graduate Student Facilitators at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) at UBC- Vancouver