Documentation:II-DL Facilitators/Post-workshop
Post-workshop email
Dec 2016
Thanks for participating in "Integrating Indigenous Content into Your Course Design" last week. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the term -- in rich conversation with such an engaged group ready to "dive in"! As promised, here are some of the resources we wanted to share:
- UBC Media release announcing the sʔi:ɬqəy̓qeqən post with Brent Sparrow's speaking about the post:
- google folder with slide deck, learning resources activities, photos, and more! You can also share upload and share resources with this group! (thanks for creating this Emily!)
- link to Classroom Climate contextual layers poster and article
- territory acknowledgements resources:
For those of you who have not submitted feedback on the workshop, here's a reminder and small plug -- since it's our first time offering this workshop, we are so interested to know how the day went for you! We are hoping to offer the session again in April and would welcome anyone from this group to come back to share, reflect, and/or co-facilitate a portion of the day with us. It would be a big favour to us if you could complete the feedback survey for the session!
There seemed to be interest in staying in touch as perhaps an informal community of practice or peer support for one another. I've addressed this message to everyone who attended the workshop and registered using their @UBC email addresses, but for the sake of privacy have included all of you who don't have UBC faculty and staff email addresses as BCC (this includes anyone with an @ALUMNI.UBC.CA email). If that's you and you consent to share your contact info with the rest of the group, feel free to "reply all" so everyone knows where to reach you and/or drop me a line to stay connected with this group.
Take care and happy holidays!!
Janey, with Erin, Jennifer, and Amy
May 2017
Subject: May 25 workshop follow-up
Happy Monday to all!
Thanks again for last Thursday's energizing workshop. It's always fantastic to share space with so many of you who are thinking through how to bring Indigenous perspectives and knowledges into your work and to learn about your different contexts and interests in doing so. I've created this email group to share out some follow-up info as well as for those of you who wanted to stay in touch.
I've created a google folder containing some of the resources we shared during the workshop If you find anything missing from here just send me a line and I'll do my best to add it. You are also welcome to contribute to the Muddiest Point and Resources documents enclosed.
One last thing. Please take a moment to fill out this post-workshop feedback survey. It's only 3 questions, and the information you provide back to us is so valuable for us in planning future offerings of this workshop:
Take care! Janey
October 3, 2017 Motivation and Context
It's been a few weeks since we met at Part 1: "Motivation and Context," in the series Exploring Indigenous Perspectives in Teaching Practice and Learning Design. Thanks again for attending and your energy during the session!
We wanted to touch base with you and nudge you towards a couple of items:
(1) FORMATIVE FEEDBACK: Thanks to those who have taken the time to fill out the post-workshop formative feedback survey. For those who have not chimed in with feedback from Oct 3rd's workshop yet, you still have the chance. Please click on this link ( and add your comments to the padlet. We will review your suggestions and keep them in mind as we design the next two workshops.
(2) REGISTER FOR PARTS 2 AND 3: If you have not yet registered for Parts 2 and 3, please do so via the online system. Nov 14 Positionality and Place (, Dec 11 Design Lab ( Deadline to register for Nov 14 session is Nov 1.
If you are unable to attend Nov 14 but would still like to come on Dec 11th please contact Janey ( I'll contact those of you in this situation and find a way to get us caught up on what you missed.
(3) PRE-WORK FOR NOV 14: We have posted pre-work for the November 14th session on the workshop website and will email a reminder out with the workshop agenda to participants one week prior to the session. Keep your eyes on the website and your mailboxes for this information and please, please complete the pre-work. To access the workshop materials for Part 2 click open the "accordion" for Part 2 Positionality and Place workshop materials on this page:
(4) CONTACT LIST: A couple of you have asked us to share participant contacts to stay in touch with each other between workshops. If you consent to share your email address with others in this group, please reply back to us and we will create a shared contact list.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact one of us. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy thinking about the big ideas of your course and project, and look forward to connecting again soon.
All the best, Janey, Amy, and Sue
Feedback survey questions
Dec 2016
- What aspect(s) of the workshop did you find most helpful/useful? (select all that apply and comment)
- What suggestions do you have if we were to offer the same workshop in the future? And why?
- What are your ideas for a follow-up session?
- OPTIONAL: Other comments?
- OPTIONAL: We will be offering this workshop again in April 2017. If you are nterested in sharing what you've been working on in your course during that workshop, or if you would be interested in co-facilitating next April's workshop, write your name and email address below. *NOTE* By entering your name below, your feedback on this form will no longer be anonymous.
May 2017
- What part of the day was the highest impact for your learning and why?
- What is the next step for you and/or what will you implement immediately?
- Do you have suggestions, recommendations, or comments for us in planning future offerings of this workshop?
- How Learning Works. Ambrose et. al. (Classroom Climate model)
- “Challenging the common guidelines in social justice education.” Sensoy and Diangelo.
- (digitizing knowledge) - “Mukurtu (MOOK-oo-too) is a grassroots project aiming to empower communities to manage, share, preserve, and exchange their digital heritage in culturally relevant and ethically-minded ways. We are committed to maintaining an open, community-driven approach to Mukurtu’s continued development. Our first priority is to help build a platform that fosters relationships of respect and trust.”
- Youtube videos by Leroy Little Bear - “Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science” (1.5 hours); “Blackfoot Metaphysics” (1 hour)
- Reshaping the University. Rauna Kuokknen.
- Berger Inquiry educational resource: Resource link TBD- Video materials currently being uploaded to this website. Please check back shortly!
- What I Learned in Class Today.
- Towards Indigenizing Higher Education: Online Storytelling Series
- Perreault and Tsukada Classroom Climate Framework and article:
- CTLT Celebrate Learning Presentation: Infusing First Nations content in Poli Sci Academic English course: CTLT Celebrate Learning - Jennifer Walsh-Marr